Barnacle Goose and other birds

Early start with mistly rain followed by clearing conditions into a very pleasant afternoon. Good numbers of Pink-footed Geese started to arrive onto the reserve late morming onward. A single Barnacle Goose was picked out among the pinks. No roost count in the past few days but numbers should be 15000+.

Pink-footed Goose leaving the Mere
Pink-footed Goose leaving the Mere

At least 15 species of wildfowl present. I can't be too long before somebody picks out a Green-winged Teal among the 1500+ Eurasian Teal present.

Raptors included 2 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine (juv), 5 Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

A minimum of 600 Lapwing, 40+ Common Snipe, 20+ Ruff, 5 Black-tailed Godwit and Green Sandpiper.

Kingfishers are active around the reserve with birds regularly showing from the Ron Barker Hide and birds were seen today flying over the Mere into the Waterfowl Gardens.

Log-tailed Tit flock contained Blue, Great and Coal Tit and at least one Chiffchaff. Goldcrests were seen in the Pines opposite the Raines Observatory. Tree Sparrows hang around close by to there and next to the in focus shop.

As usual it should be possible to see at least 50 species of bird in a day without too much effort, although a telescope is very useful from most of the hides.

If you are visiting the reserve, pop in to the in focus shop (next to the Discovery Hide) where we have a full list of birds, and should be able to point you in the right direction to get the most out of your visit.


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