Bat surveys finishing soon as weather turns colder

Paul Stevens, our former Reserve Manager and licenced Batman, was on site last week to check all of our site bat boxes.

In total we found 17 Soprano pipistrelles and one Brown long-eared bat - all roosting and producing a build up of droppings! Two bat boxes also contained blue tit nests from earlier in the season. These cheeky interlopers have not deterred the bats from continuing to use the boxes, although it must be a squeeze to get in! I once saw a pipistrelle squeeze itself through the tiniest gap around a door frame on the building and was completely amazed by the real size and manoeuvrability of these incredible animals.

As we approach the colder months, October is the last chance for us to really see bats and do our monthly bat detector surveys. In a matter of weeks, the bats will be hibernating.

Last week we saw good numbers of Daubenton’s bat feeding over the water bodies from the Scrape Hide and Arun Riverlife. See the results of last week’s Oct 6 bat survey listed below.

– Suzi Lanaway, Reserve Manager

Tues 12 Oct

Ramsar hide: 1 cattle egret, 2 cormorants, 18 mallards, 9 shoveler, 2 gadwall, 1 coot, 1 grey heron, 1 greylag

Sand martin/Ramsar hide: 24 Canada geese

Sand martin hide: 20 mallards, 1 black-headed gull, 1 gadwall

Arun Riverlife: 1 grey heron, 25 coots, 8 mallard, 1 little grebe

Mon 11 Oct

WeBS Count (Wetland Bird Survey)

Arun Riverlife: 18 mallards, 29 coots, 2 moorhen, 8 gadwall, 6 tufted ducks, 1 black-headed gull

Pelican Cove: 23 mallards, 5 coots, 2 moorhen, 2 tufted ducks, 4 gadwall, 1 pochard, 4 Canada geese, 3 black-headed gulls

Lakes & forests exhibit: 44 mallards, 3 coots, 5 moorhen, 2 mute swans, 12 Canada geese

Reedswamp exhibit: 31 mallards, 1 coot, 3 moorhens, 1 mute swan, 2 greylag geese

Old Black neck pen: 11 mallards

Trumpeter pond: 26 mallards, 8 moorhens

Reedbed: 25 mallards, 1 water rail, 1 moorhen

Scrape hide: 32 mallard, 24 teal, 4 shelducks, 5 mandarin, 2 shoveler, 2 snipe, 1 water rail

Pond by Scrape hide: 6 mallards, 2 coots, 1 moorhen

Sand martin hide: 14 mallards, 1 coot, 33 Canada geese, 4 greylag geese, 1 heron, 1 cormorant

Bewick’s swan exhibit: 1 mallards, 1 coot, 1 moorhen,

Tundra exhibit: 49 mallards, 2 coots

Ramsar hide: 15 mallard, 1 moorhen, 1 little egret

Sunday 10 Oct

Wetland Discovery boat channels: 18 mallards, 5 tufted ducks, 6 gadwall, 2 coots, 1 kestrel, 1 green woodpecker

Scrape hide: 1 little grebe, 1 cormorant, 1 water rail

Sand Martin hide: 10 shoveler, 1 wigeon, 1 lapwing

Sat 9 Oct

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 38 coots, 3 little grebes, 2 shoveler, 26 Canada geese, 26 mallard, 4 gadwall, 4 tufted duck, 1 Black-headed gull, 1 greylag

Scrape hide: 15 teal

Fri 8 Oct

Woodloop: 3 moorhen, 8 blue-tit. 2 long-tailed tit, 2 robin, 2 goldcrest

Ramsar hide: 25 Canada geese, 16 shoveler, 2 Egyptian geese.

Scrape hide: 10 teal, 7 shoveler, 2 kingfisher

Thurs 7 Oct

Lapwing hide: 3 grey herons

Scrape hide: 1 snipe, 1 kingfisher

Reedbed boardwalk: 1 Cetti’s warbler

Wed 6 October

Bat Survey 6.40-8.30pm

Clear weather, 12 degrees using echometer

59 noctule bat passes recorded

1 Natterer’s bat pass recorded

85 soprano pipistrelle passes recorded

6 brown long-eared bat passes recorded

78 Daubenton’s bats passes recorded

2 common pipistrelle passes recorded

1 Nathusius’ pipistrelle pass recorded

1 whiskered bat pass recorded

59 noctules bat

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