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Bearded Tit

Two Bearded Tit were seen in front of the Harrier Hide just after 10am, there are some grit tables just to the right of the hide which the birds maybe using to help crush up seeds as they transition from insect food to seeds in the autumn.

A group of 11 Dunlin appeared in the drizzle and murk mid morning before carrying on. Still around 20 Ruff around often with the Lapwing flock or feeding in the wet fields. Plenty of Snipe flying around in groups of up to 20 - 30 with probably around a 100 birds seen in total.

A Water Rail was 'squealing' by Harrier Hide. At least 2 Cetti's Warblers were singing by Harrier Hide and United Utilities Hide with another by Ron Barker/Kingfisher Hide area. Two Chiffchaff were calling by Harrier Hide.

A few sightings of Kingfisher over the Mere in the morning including one which hovered for several seconds before flying off low. the Nuthatch was seen again at the feeders at Janet Kear Hide.

A pair of Raven flew through over late morning. At least 1 Grey Wagtail was around the Mere.

A Barn Owl was seen on and off most of the day from Ron Barker Hide and it or another was out hunting early evening.

A Merlin was seen in flight early evening over the outer fields, also a juv male Peregrine was seen on and off in the morning hunting and chasing over the Mere. Other raptor sightings include 4 - 5 Marsh Harrier, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Kestrel and 5+ Buzzard.

Good numbers of Pink-footed Geese were in and out during the day and early evening there was at least 15 - 20,000 in distant skeins heading towards the Ribble Estuary.

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