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Bearded Tits

The Bearded Tits are still present with at least 10 seen today in a single flock, but quite how many there are altogether is difficult to be sure as they seem to be being seen in many small groups as well. Any counts please report to the In Focus shop by the discovery hide so we can try and get a handle on the numbers.

Male Bearded Tit on the reedbed walk yesterday (Marc Gannon)

Other sightings today include a re-appearance of the Red Kite from Sunday which was around for a short time in the morning. At least 2 juvenile Peregrine and 2 Marsh Harrier around as well as the usual sightings of Kestrel, Buzzard and Sparrowhawk.

A female Goldeneye still showing well right in front of Discovery Hide today with Tufted and Pochard.

A few Thousand Pink-footed Geese were around in the afternoon and around 200 Whooper Swans late afternoon.

A Siskin and 2 Redwing were seen from Janet Kear Hide today.

A count of 60 Ruff at the afternoon feed by Discovery Hide.

Pink-footed Geese dropping in to roost yesterday (Tony Disley)

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