Beautiful lamps are bright addition to wildlife gallery











Ceramic lamps featuring eye-catching wildlife designs form part of a new exhibition at WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre.

From 3 March to 22 April there are also oil paintings by artist Brin Edwards and colourful prints by Julia Manning in the Cheng Kim Loke Gallery at the Centre in Gloucestershire.

Ceramist Penny McBreen who designed the lamps has been making pottery for more than 40 years.

Her home at Wadebridge in Cornwall overlooks the marshes on the River Camel Estuary and that and her walks along the 15 mile Camel trail provide her with all the inspiration she needs for her work.

The exhibition also features work by Brin Edwards and Julia Manning. Brin works as a wildlife illustrator but he has increasingly worked on abstracted oil paintings of birds which are featured in this exhibition.

Julia works from a studio in Somerset using relief and intaglio technique in her printmaking.

She uses the rich flora and fauna in the area as the inspiration for much of her work and regularly uses binoculars and telescopes to see interactions between birds and animals which she uses in her prints.

Beverley Hardman, Visitor Services Manager, said: “We are privileged to have these artists exhibiting in our gallery.

“Our visitors are really enjoying seeing this work on display. We have exhibitions here all year round but the lamps are quite an unusual feature.”

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