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Big tides over weekend

We're seeing a series of big tides at present, with a good selection of waders on the estuary being pushed on to the Top New Piece

We're seeing a series of big tides at present, with a good selection of waders on the estuary being pushed on to the Top New Piece. Head to the Zeiss Hide around high tide to see what has come inland to roost.

Zeiss Hide
Today's high tide roost included 26 Ruff, five Little Stint, three Spotted Redshank, 15 Avocet, four Sanderling, 19 Ringed Plover, 274 Black-tailed Godwit, 231 Dunlin, a Green Sandpiper and Curlew Sandpiper, and 12 Redshank. Also of note were two Spoonbill, five Cattle Egret, three Pintail amongst the duck and a Water Rail in the reedbed.

South Lake
An adult Mediterranean Gull was on the causeway this lunchtime.

Rushy Hide
The Ruff are very mobile at present, but at least 34 are on the reserve at present. This morning a flock of 30 Ruff dropped in to the Rushy,, including ten juveniles.

Knott Hide
A Sparrowhawk sat on the fence for a short period, watching for warblers passing in the hedgerow.

Robbie Garnett Hide / Stephen Kirk Hide
Some of the juvenile Ruff dropped in on the Tack Piece early morning, a total of seven from the flock roving the reserve. Also here were two Green Sandpiper.

Middle Point
A Wheatear and four Whinchat were on the cross fence this morning. Four Raven were on the Dumbles. The rising tide pushed in two Bar-tailed Godwit with 228 Curlew, and two Black-tailed Godwit were seen along with 15 Avocet that later dropped in on the Top New Piece. At least two Curlew Sandpiper were picked up in flight passing the point with the Dunlin flock. Other birds of note coming to roost included 31 Little Egret, eight Grey Heron and five Teal, plus several hundred Shelduck.

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