Bird News

More swans arrived today, with around 400 on the Mere at dusk. Amongst them was a single Black Swan, an Australian species which is popular in wildfowl collections, and which has been recorded every year recently with returning Whoopers. The have also been several records of Black Swan in Iceland, including  a pair in the South of the country last year - a pair have been seen amongst the Whoopers at Martin Mere in recent years. Have they ever been seen arriving in Iceland or returming to Scotland with Whoopers?

A couple of thousand Pink-footed Geese spent the entire day on fields at the back of the Mere, although this was only a small proportion of those in the immediate area, with individual groups of several hundred birds coming and going throughout the day, and several thousand more coming in at dusk. Amongst the Pink-foots on the reserve were a Greenland White-fronted Goose and Barnacle Goose.

At least 2 Marsh Harriers, 3 Common Buzzards, and a Sparrowhawk were seen regularly hunting over various parts of the reserve - although they can be seen from any of the hides, the United Utilities and Ron Barker hides tend to offer the best and most frequent sightings.

Waders on the reserve todayincluded a Green Sandpiper, up to 50 Ruff and at least 50 Common Snipe.

A Roe Deer was in the reedbed in front of the Harrier hide, where a Water Rail was also seen, and 3 Fieldfares were in trees near the Janet Kear hide this morning.

If you want detailed information on where to look for any particular birds, or the most up to date information on what's around at the moment, don't forget to pop into the In Focus shop where will will be happy to point you in the right direction.


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