Bird News

A very similar day to yesterday, with great weather and lots of birds.

At least 40 Black-tailed Godwits and a similar number of Ruff were on the Mere, and Kingfishers were seen from the Ron Barker and United Utilities hides, as well as a "fly-past" from the In Focus shop. The Tawny Owl was in it's usual roost tree, and Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzard and Peregrine showed regularly.

Lots of small passerine activity around the site with flocks of Blue, Great and Long-tailed Tits being joined by Goldcrests in a few different areas of the reserve.

Late news from yesterday, when a House Sparrow was seen in the workyard area- although Tree Sparrows are common here, this the first record of House Sparrow on the reserve for a while. Unfortunately it was in in an area whic, for safety reasons, is not accessable to the public.

If you want the latest information or more precise details of where to look for specific birds, pop in to the In Focus shop - we'll be happy to help!

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