Bird News

A very dull but mild day today. A small flock of Fieldfare were in the car park this morning, as well as 20 or more Chaffinches and at least 40 Goldfinches.

On the Mere, variety was the order of the day - Tufted Duck (at least 7), Pochard, Goldeneye (a single female), Shelduck, Pintail, Shoveller, Wigeon, Teal and Mallard were present, as well as Greylag, Canada and Pink-footed Geese, and both Mute (2 adults) and Whooper Swans (up to 300).

An unseasonal Oystercatcher joined at least 6 Black-tailed Gowits and 40 Ruff, but Lapwings outnumbered all other birds on site today, with well in excess of 2,000 regularly taking to the air as 2 Peregrines were hunting in the area. Other birds of prey present today were 2 Marsh Harriers, at least 2 Kestrels and a few Common Buzzards, as well as the regular roosting Tawny Owl(s?).

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