Bird news

The drake Green-winged Teal was reported again yesterday from Ron Barker hide.

Still 3 Goldeneye on the Mere most days, also Redpoll over yesterday along with a few flocks of Fieldfare.

Little Egret from Ron Barker today also Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard and Kestrel.

Tawny Owl in the usual area near Kingfisher hide.

c250 Whooper Swans at the feed this afternoon, the low numbers a reflection of the mild winter so far, we could expect an increase given a period of colder weather. Upto 3000 Pink-footed Goose in the area in the last few days.

Still at least 30+ Ruff around with c1000 Lapwing and smaller numbers of Snipe.

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