Bird news

An early morning roost count of Whooper Swans revealed 1450 birds, most of these seem to be feeding off site during the day but using the site for roosting. The counts at the feed in the afternoon have been bringing in about 300 Swans. A count of roosting Pink-footed Geese early morning had 4500 birds.

A good day for raptors with Merlin, Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk being seen.

Still 2 Little Egret using the reserve today, also at least 1 Kingfisher showing this afternoon from UU hide.

At least 1 Tawny Owl showing in the usual area of Ivy near Kingfisher Hide.

40+ Ruff and several Black-tailed Godwit.

A probable Aythya hybrid (pres TuftedxPochard hybrid) among the Tufted Duck from Harrier Hide this afternoon

Just off site 5 Yellowhammer and 30+ Corn Bunting off Crab Tree Lane.

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