Bird News

Despite the fowl weather there were a few brave souls out birding on site. The drake Green-winged Teal was again showing on Vinson's, the left hand pool/marsh from Ron Barker Hide with good numbers of Teal.

Good numbers of waders feeding in Plover field at the moment with 70 Ruff, 1 Dunlin, 50 Black-tailed Godwit, several Snipe and up to 1000 Lapwing.

Good numbers of Pintail around the reserve with many engaging in display at the moment.

A Barn Owl was out hunting distantly from UU Hide on the edge of the reserve.

A Raven was seen over the reserve and still 2-3 Little Egret around.

Count of 41 Cormorant around the edge of the Mere and the usual pair of Great-black backed Gull.

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