Bird News

Highlight of the day (and the year so far?) was undoubtedly a male Hen Harrier which flew across the back of the reserve this afternoon, seen from the United Utilities hide.

A single Marsh Harrier, probably the same bird which has been around the reserve for the past week or so, was also seen, along with a few Common Buzzrads.

3 pairs of Mediterranean Gulls were on the Mere for most of the day, and at least 6 different Little Egrets were present.

Numbers of waders remain fairly high, with 70 or more each of Black-tailed Godwits and Oystercatchers, and at least 50 Avocets. A few Ruff still remain, and a single Dunlin was on the Mere.

A pair of Great Crested Grebes were in front of the Harrier hide, and have been seen performing their remarkable courtship dance on several occasions.

Although the rush of summer visitors is yet to arrive, a few Sand Martins have been seen passing over the reserve, Chiffchaffs are singing from several different areas, and a Blackcap was frequenting the area between the Gladstone and Janet Kear hides.

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