Bird News

Mediterranean Gulls are among the 'star birds' on the reserve at the moment, with at least 5 on the Mere today. There have been at least 13 individually identifiable birds here in the last couple of weeks, and with the Black-headed Gulls at last starting to get under way with their nest building, hopes are high that at least one pair of Med's will breed this year.

No real changes on the wader front recently, with plenty of Black-tailed Godwits and Avocets on view, and still a few Ruff to be found along with the regular Redshanks, Oystercatchers, Ringed Plover etc.

A Merlin was perched on a fence post at the Ron Barker hide yesterday, where a single Marsh Harrier and a few Common Buzzards are also to be found.

Both Tawny (roosting in the 'usual spot') and Barn Owls have been seen during the day, and a few summer migrants have arrived, including a pair of Blackcaps which have immediately started nest building near the Kingfisher hide, and several Sand Martins passing over. At least 3 Willow Warblers and several Chiffchaffs are singing from the grounds, and 2 or 3 Little Egrets are usually to be found, but are mobile and could be seen from just about any of the hides at various times.

If you want more information, don't forget to pop in to the In Focus shop, where we will be glad to give more detailed directions or pass on news from other birders on site.

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