Bird News

Improved weather lead to a lot more birds being seen today, although today's round up starts with yesterday's news, when the first Swift of the year was seen over the reserve. A Whinchat has also been present, viewed from the United Utilities hide where up to 10 Wheatears have also been seen.

2 pairs of Mediterranean Gulls are currently on the Mere, and activity in the Black-headed Gull colony has picked up again. A pair of Common Terns seems to have taken up residence on Woodend Marsh.

Lots of Black-tailed Godwits, Avocets, Redshanks and Oystercatchers as well as 4 Ringed Plovers, 2 each of Little Ringed Plovers, Common Sandpipers, Curlews and Ruff. A single Whimbrel was also seen.



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