Bird News

Great visibility on Friday in overcast condtions. Some light misty rain early on had the potential of bringing some birds in.

A round up of news from the past few days. Two Spoonbill flew east on Wednesday. These birds seem to be hanging around in the 'greater' ribble area.

Twelve Little Ringed Plover yesterday from the Ron Barker Hide including juveniles. Also on the reserve Common Sandpiper, 10+ Avocet, 80+ Lapwing, 10+ Oystercatcher, 60+ Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Redshank, Ringed Plover, 5 Common Snipe and 2 Curlew over.

1st summer Med Gull on the Mere

At least one Med Gull present on friday loafing around with the Black-headed Gulls.

Common Terns still present out on Woodend Marsh. The first juvenile Kingfisher of the year was seen on thursday from the Ron Barker Hide.

Scarsbrick Hall distantly over the Mere, about a sixth of the away in from the left.

Scarsbrick Hall digiscoped from the same position! Only possible in clear conditions.

If you see anything on the reserve or would like to know the best spots call in at the in focus shop, next to the Discovery Hide.

Check previous days for a fuller picture of whats about.

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