White Wagtail

A White Wagtail on the Mere yesterday morning was the first of the year, and the highlight of an otherwise fairly quiet few days. A single Ruff, at least 3 Little Ringed Plovers, a pair of Oystercatchers, Redshank and several Avocets are also on the Mere.

The Great Crested Grebes have built a nest and are now sitting (presumably on eggs) in view of the Harrier hide.

Great Spotted Woodpecker today from the Canoe Safari.

Despite a slow start, lots of Warblers including Reed, Sedge, Willow, Garden, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, and Whitethroat are singing around the reserve, and several Swifts and House Martins are also hawking over the fields at the back of the Mere.

Lots of "paired up" wildfowl including Tufted Duck, Gadwall and Shoveller and even more newly hatched Moorhen, Coot and Mallard chicks.

For more information on the places to see these and other birds, as well as the latest news, pop in to the In Focus shop  and we will be happy to point you in the right direction.

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