Bird News

The warm and sunny weather has continued over the past couple of days, and although few new birds are arriving, there is a great variety to be seen on the reserve. The male Garganey has been present on Woodend Marsh again (viewed from the United Utilities hide), where  a pair of Common Terns and several Avocet chicks are generally on view. Cuckoos have been very active over the past few days, and have been seen regularly from the United Utilities and Harrier hides as well as from the collection area bordering the reedbed, and can be heard calling from almost anywhere on site - one could clearly be heard from the door to the Visitor Centre this morning/early afternoon.

On the Mere, 2 Ruff today including  the striking black and brown male in breeding plumage, along with 4 Little Ringed Plovers and a single Dunlin. Little Egret and Common Tern have also been dropping in on the Mere regularly.

Several Common Buzzards are in the area and can be seen at any time, but a Red Kite seen yesterday is a much more infrequent visitor - a real bonus for those who were present.


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