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Bird News

No major changes over the past few days, but Peregrines have been showing particularly well this week, and a nice male Merlin has been seen hunting over the fields and perching up on fence posts. Probably best looked for from the United Utilities hide. Other raptors include a few Common Buzzards, and at least 3 Marsh Harriers along with the regular Sparrowhawks and Kestrels. Barn Owls have also been seen this week - sightings of this beautiful owl have increased significantly with the onset of early Winter's nights.

Still at least 80 Ruff, a few Black-tailed Godwits and the occasional Snipe on the Mere.

Kingfishers have been seen both from the Ron Barker hide and within the collection area in the past couple of days.

Other birds of note include Little Egret and Cetti's Warbler, both now resident on site, but the Warblers as usual proving relatively easy to hear and very difficult to see!

Numbers of Pink-footed Geese and Whooper Swans are remaining fairly constant at the moment, with maximum numbers recorded at dawn and dusk .


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