Bird News

No new infuxes of birds over the past couple of days, but nothing much seems to have moved on either, so lots of birds to be found.

2 Green Sandpipers, 6+ Dunlin, and 8+ Ruff (including 3 juveniles) were the most interesting waders today,  and Marsh Harrier, Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard were the main raptors. Just off site however, a Hobby over the hirundine flock at the end of Curlew Lane would have been star bird had it drifted half a mile further down on to the reserve!

Other birds of note include Kingfisher, 2 of which have been showing well over recent days, from the Ron Barker hide, a Teal with 2 fairly well grown young from the Janet Kear hide, and a Whitethroat near the Kingfisher hide.

A flock of around 60 Stock Doves from the Ron Barker hide was also noteworthy.

Finally, a bit of late news from yesterday, when a Sanderling was present.

It should be possible to see at least 50 species in a day without too much effort, although a telescope is very useful from most of the hides. If you are visiting the reserve, pop in to the In Focus shop where we have a full list of birds, and should be able to point you in the right direction to get the most out of youir visit.

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