Bird News

Great White Egret still present on the reserve today, although for such a big, strikingly white bird, it can go missing for surprisingly long periods of time  in the ditches and channels.

The Greenland White-fronted Goose was still with Pink-footed Geese in front of the Ron Barker hide, as was a single Barnacle Goose. At lease one Kingfisher also showed well from here.

At least 3 Marsh Harriers around today, and, although no new arrivals of Whooper Swans were noted today, 4 Mute Swans dropped in on the Mere this afternoon.

If you're visiting the reserve, don't forget to pop in to the In Focus shop for the most up to date news on your way out to the hides  (and don't forget to pop in on your way back as well to tell us what you've seen).


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