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Birding in the rain

Rushy Hide

Ruff, 3 Snipe, 7 Avocet and 3 Green Sandpiper on the lower pond. Grey Heron, Little Grebe and 10+ Gadwall on the top pond.

Tack Piece

Six Black-tailed Godwit and the juvenile Spotted Redshank (see image) popped in a couple of times. 20+ Teal and a family of Avocets.


Dumbles/Dumbles edge/Royal Drift over high tide

1 Whimbrel among 137 Curlew, juvenile Sanderling with 60 Ringed Plover and 10 Dunlin in small groups. 10 'Commic' Tern flew downriver.

The Marsh Harrier and Peregrine were hunting the foreshore and Kestrel and Hobby over the pasture until the rain arrived.

South Lake

4 juvenile Little-ringed Plover, Spotted Redshank, 28 Redshank, 21 Ruff, 60 Lapwing, 3 Green Sandpiper and 169 Black-tailed Godwit noted on the wader scrape. A juvenile Common Tern was also present. 2 Pochard, adult and juvenile Great Crested Grebe and 11 Cormorants were on deep lake. The Avocet party from TNP dropped in in the afternoon and a Swift was seen heading S. Up to 40 Sand Martin fed over the lake.

Top New Piece/Zeiss Hide

260 Teal, 30 Gadwall, 12 Shoveler, 6 Avocet, 2 Ruff and 60 Lapwing.


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