Bitterns on show again

The wet weather hasn't put off the Bitterns from showing well again from the Zeiss Hide, with at least 2 birds seen before lunchtime.

The wet weather hasn't put off the Bitterns from showing well again from the Zeiss Hide, with at least 2 birds seen before lunchtime.

Kingfisher Hide
A flock of 5 Egyptian Geese were amongst the goose flock on Bottom New Piece this morning.

Zeiss Hide
Two Bittern were showing well again this morning. Out on the Top New Piece were 170 Dunlin, 2 Pintail, 600+ Golden Plover, 350+ Teal, Ruff, 37 Wigeon and 4 Redshank.

Estuary Tower
A Merlin flew south at 09:15. Two Cranes were on The Dumbles and hundreds of Golden Plover were dropping in from high.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A total of 44 White-fronted Geese were on the Tack Piece with 398 Wigeon, 25 Redshank, 53 Barnacle Geese, 80 Curlew and several hundred Lapwing and Teal.

Rushy Hide
Another 4 new Bewick's Swans have arrived bringing us to 21 birds including pair Demidov & Derbent.

South Lake
On the wader scrape this morning were 131 Knot, 473 Black-tailed Godwit and 13 Ruff, whilst on the deep lake were 10 Gadwall, a Pintail, 14 Cormorant, 185 Shoveler and 53 Pochard.

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