Black-tailed Godwit

Warm but windy on Monday. Waders are very much the focus at this time of year, although it's not impossible to pick up migrating passerines too as a July juvenile Pied Flycatcher seen a few years ago only goes to prove.

Counts of Black-tailed Godwit are likely to increase with 400+ on the reserve today. At least 3 Green Sandpiper present, 10+ Ruff, 4 Avocet, 150+ Lapwing.

The water levels on the Mere are high but hopefully will be dropped soon to catch the next 6/7 weeks of peak wader passage and to bring in the godwits for some closer views from the currently quiet Discovery Hide. Plenty of mud on Woodend Marsh and Vinson's/Sunley's Marsh.

Kingfisher perched on the feeders at the Janet Kear Hide was a lucky sighting for some. The undergrowth in front of the Ron Barker Hide will be chopped back during the week making viewing of the Kingfisher perches easier.

Raptors include Marsh Harrier, 3 Buzzard, 3+ Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Featured imaged of recently hatched Moorhen next to the Discovery Hide.

Lots of insect activity. The Reed Bed Walk is good for larger dragonfly and butterflies, also any buddleia bushes should produce a good selection of butterflies.

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