Black Tern new for the year.

Weather wise the morning started off with low cloud and misty rain, classic conditions for dropping something onto the reserve.

Having missed the sizable spring influx of Black Tern it was nice that one called in on the return autumn visit. There were quite possibly 3 birds but two flew off high before certain identification leaving one bird hawking for insects over Woodend Marsh.

A juvenile Merlin was seen from the Kingfisher Hide and is the first of the autumn. Other raptors included 2+ Marsh Harrier, 4 Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Awful shot of the Black Tern
Awful shot of the Black Tern

Waders included 500+ Lapwing, 20+ Ruff, 50+ Snipe, Wood Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Greenshank and Little Ringed Plover.

Also autumn's first returning Stonechat.

It should be possible to see at least 50 species of bird in a day without too much effort, although a telescope is very useful from most of the hides.

If you are visiting the reserve, pop in to the In Focus shop where we have a full list of birds, and should be able to point you in the right direction to get the most out of your visit.


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