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Black Terns

A group of 3 Black Terns were feeding over the Mere from mid morning onwards, still present mid afternoon, but no sign from 4pm. This coincides with a small influx locally after a few days of easterly winds.

A good count of 28 Dunlin on Woodend Marsh today also 1 Ringed Plover, 5 Little Ringed Plover and 4 Black-tailed Godwit.

18 Dunlin and a Ringed Plover late afternoon on the Mere briefly.

All 3 Hirundines (Swallow, Sand Martin and House Martin) over the Mere all day also a few Swift.

A pair of Common Tern nesting on the Mere, plenty of nesting Avocet around the Mere.

Pair of Great Spotted Woodpecker feeding young by the Canoe Safari.

A Garden Warbler was again singing just inside the collection in between Gladstone Hide and Janet Kear yesterday.

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