Photo contest winner's pics shot at WWT Arundel

Waterlife Magazine announced the overall winner of the 2022 photo competition is Chris Bishop with his image of Sand martins at Arundel Wetland Centre titled Aerial Ballet. Chris's photo (above) won him a pair of Swarovski CL Companion 8x30 binoculars for this stunning image.

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Winner Chris Bishop at Arundel Wetland Centre.

Chris told Waterlife magazine:

"A photo of two sand martins returning to the nests – taken on 10th June at the Sand Martin hide at WWT Arundel. There were many nesting sand martins this summer with multiple nest holes being used with great success. This gave visitors wonderful views of these small but charismatic birds coming and going, darting around at great speed, performing acrobatics and flying in formation. This was my favourite shot as it captured two of these beautiful birds in their full glory, just the other side of the glass of the window."

16-year-old Christina Kirkby was selected as Young Photographer of the Year by WWT’s Waterlife magazine for her photo of a pair of sleeping wandering whistling ducks photographed at Arundel Wetland Centre.

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The photo jury commented: “This cleanly composed image reveals a quiet, intimate moment few people would notice, and we commend Christina on not waking her sleepy subjects. Shhhhhhh!”

Pictured below with her prize - a pair of Viking Otter 8x3 binoculars - Christina took up wildlife photography while working towards her Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award.

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The results of the contest were announced in the recent issue 221 March -June of Waterlife Magazine which is free for all WWT Members.

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