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Breeding Bearded Reedlings!

The outstanding news today concerns the first confirmed breeding of Bearded Reedlings on the reserve and also the first breeding in Lancashire away from the Leighton Moss/Barrow Scout area! A female was caught and ringed in the Reedbed walk area this morning by the Warden Louise Clewley and it was confirmed in the hand that the bird had a brood patch which confirms that she has eggs in a nest or has had eggs very recently. Its thought there may be two pairs in the Reedbed at least, watch this space for more info over the coming weeks. Formerly placed in the genus Parus with the other Tits, it was later placed taxonomically with the Parrotbills an Asian family which closely resemble Bearded Reedling. However more recent research suggests it is a very unique species and deserves to be placed alone in it's own family Panuridae, and it's closest relations are Larks!! Don't you just love DNA and the fascinating relationships it is revealing!

Other sightings today include 2 1st sum/2nd cal year Mediterranean Gulls on the Mere again, also 2 Marsh Harrier seen.

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