Breeding bird survey
Last week the reserve department carried out a breeding bird survey of the Marsh. The staff and volunteers walked every field looking and listening for signs of breeding birds. This year, unfortunately is possibly the worst year for breeding birds we have ever experienced. During the survey we normally encounter fields full of Skylarks, Lapwings and the ditch edges full of Sedge warblers. Sadly our lapwings have failed for a second year running with only small handful of chicks still left on the reserve. Skylarks, Snipe Sedge Warblers and Oystercatchers have also had a bad year at Martin Mere. Its not all doom and gloom some species have done well with Reed Bunting numbers similar to last year and Reed Warblers on the increase.
Over the next few months we will be focusing on the tree sparrows along the nature trail with a group of ringers coming in to survey our nest boxes.