
Recent Sightings 26th November - 1st December

Recent Sightings 26th November - 1st December

Highlights: Barnacle Geese, Kingfisher, Great Crested Grebe, Peregrine, Common Gull, Stoat

1 December 2022

Recent Sightings 19th - 25th November

Recent Sightings 19th - 25th November

Highlights: Marsh Harrier, Merlin, Wigeon, Tree creeper, Bullfinch, Yellow Brain Fungi, Otter

25 November 2022

Recent Sightings 12th - 18th November

Recent Sightings 12th - 18th November

Highlights: Great Skua, Hen harrier, Woodcock, Otter

18 November 2022

Recent Sightings 5th - 11th November

Recent Sightings 5th - 11th November

Highlights: Pochard, Jack Snipe, Orange Peel Fungi, Purple Jelly Disc Fungi, Kestrel

11 November 2022

Recent Sightings 29th October - 4th November

Recent Sightings 29th October - 4th November

Highlights: Otter, Kestrel, Goldcrest, Red Admiral, Jelly Ear Fungus

4 November 2022

Recent Sightings 22nd-28th October

Recent Sightings 22nd-28th October

Highlights: Redwing, Curlew, Wigeon, Sparrowhawk, Crystal Brain Jelly Fungus

28 October 2022

Recent Sightings 15th - 21st October

Recent Sightings 15th - 21st October

Highlights: Earthball Fungi, Sparrowhawk, Snipe, Goldfinch, Common Lizard

21 October 2022

Recent Sightings 8th - 14th October

Recent Sightings 8th - 14th October

Highlights: Snipe, Cattle Egret, Barn Owl, Curlew Sandpiper, Grey Plover, Great White Egret

14 October 2022

Recent Sightings 1st - 7th October

Recent Sightings 1st - 7th October

Highlights: Green Elf Cup, Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Peregrine

7 October 2022

Recent Sightings 24th - 30th September

Recent Sightings 24th - 30th September

Highlights: Pectoral Sandpiper, Greenshank, Pintail, Peregrine, Common Lizards

30 September 2022

Recent Sightings 17th - 23rd September

Recent Sightings 17th - 23rd September

Highlights: Weasel, Spoonbill, Pintail, Grass snake

23 September 2022

Recent Sightings 10th -16th September

Recent Sightings 10th -16th September

Highlights: Spoonbill, Curlew Sandpiper, Osprey, Glossy Ibis, Clouded Yellow

16 September 2022

Recent Sightings 4th - 9th September

Recent Sightings 4th - 9th September

Highlights: Glossy Ibis, Great White Egret, Marsh Harrier, Wheatear, Barnacle Goose

6 September 2022

Recent Sightings 28th August - 3rd September

Recent Sightings 28th August - 3rd September

Highlights - Osprey, Spotted Crake, Ruff, Garganey, and Bar-tailed Godwit.

3 September 2022

Recent Sightings 21st-27th August

Recent Sightings 21st-27th August

Highlights - Wigeon, Snipe, Water Rail and White Wagtail

27 August 2022