
Wildlife sightings for 3rd December 2016

Wildlife sightings for 3rd December 2016

1 Marsh Harrier - flew in from W, then headed NE across the marsh 3 Water Rail - calling from the reedbed and sheltered lagoon 1 Water Pipit - wader scrape 8 Pintail - wader scrape 5 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake 1 Yellow-legged Gull 1st winter - main

3 December 2016

Bird News

Bird News

The Green-winged Teal was again present in front of the Ron Barker hide throughout the day. Bird of the day however was an Egyptian Goose which appeared on the Mere mid-morning and spent the next couple of hours moving around the reserve before retuning t

2 December 2016

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier

Temperatures slowly increasing but most of the reserve still frozen so rather quiet with the bulk of activity around the open water of the Rushy and South Lake and distantly on the estuary. Flocks of waders and Wigeon starting to return to the scrapes an

2 December 2016

Old Reunions!

Old Reunions!

This weekend, hundreds of swan enthusiasts will be heading out to wetland sites and other swan hotspots across Europe to take part in an international age census of Bewick’s swans. Their main task, aside from trying to stay warm (!), will be to determin

2 December 2016

Santa meets GIANT LEGO brick animals at WWT Llanelli

Santa meets GIANT LEGO brick animals at WWT Llanelli

As Santa prepares to fly in to WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre to help feed the birds this winter, he’s got more than he bargained as he meets the nine, giant LEGO brick animals! The giant LEGO brick animals – some up to twelve times life size - have bee

2 December 2016

Have you been to an evening swan feed yet?

Have you been to an evening swan feed yet?

Badger at the floodlit swan feed The evening floodlit swan feeds are the best chance to see large numbers of swans at a feed, as the swans have returned from the surrounding fields where they have spent the day feedin

2 December 2016

Wildlife sightings - 02/12/16

Wildlife sightings - 02/12/16

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Shelduck 4 Teal 10 Redshank 12 Lapwing 1 Kestrel (meadow) pair 2 Redwing (hedgerow) 26 Mistle thrush 2 Bullfinch 4 Saline Lagoon Curlew 14 Teal 9 Jay flew over 2 Hawthorn Wood Great spotted woodpecker 1 Coal tit 5 Great tit

2 December 2016

Wildlife sightings for 2nd December 2016

Wildlife sightings for 2nd December 2016

1 Bittern - briefly in wildside before flying off towards the reservoir lagoon 5 Pintail - main lake 1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh very close to the wildside hide 4 Redwing - sheltered lagoon 2 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge 2 Siskin - flew SW Nove

2 December 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Treecreeper Cr. Russ Myners Millennium Wetlands Red Kite 1 Tawny Owl 1 Barn Owl 1 Green Woodpecker 1 Treecreeper 1 Pintail 1 Little Grebe 1 Mute Swans 4 Tufted Duck 1 Buzzard 1 Grey Heron 1 Cormorant 1 Sparrow Hawk 1

2 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 2nd December

Latest Sightings - 2nd December

Overcast and a bit dull this morning, but dry at the moment. Teal and Wigeon numbers are still quite good. The Whooper Swans are feeding in surrounding fields so numbers on the reserve have dropped a bit. 2 juvenile Greater Scaup are on the Whooper Pond w

2 December 2016

Recent sightings - 2 December

Recent sightings - 2 December

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, at low tide. Estuary - visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory Brent geese +300, Shelduck + 400, Oystercatcher +100, Curlew 10, Redshank 20, Pintail 1, Little egr

2 December 2016

Follow that Goose !

Follow that Goose !

Not much bird news over the last couple of days, other than a "small group" of Bramblings on the feeder in front of the Janet Kear hide early yesterday morning. However, they were not seen later in the day. Marsh Harriers, Peregrine, and Common Buzzard co

1 December 2016

Immersive play areas key to getting children involved

Immersive play areas key to getting children involved

Making sure children are involved in nature is key to ensuring the future of wildlife . . . and that message is being wholeheartedly embraced by the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) centres at Slimbridge and Castle Espie, where special immersive play areas

1 December 2016

Wildlife sightings - 01/12/16

Wildlife sightings - 01/12/16

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Shelduck 6 Teal 22 Redshank 10 Stock dove 2 Kestrel 1 Redwing 24 Saline Lagoon Shelduck 1 Teal 7 Hawthorn Wood Long-tailed tit 8 Willow tit 1 Coal tit 7 Blue tit 21 Great tit 9 Nuthatch 1 Bullfinch 16 Chaffinch 19 Greenfinc

1 December 2016

Colder still?

Colder still?

A very cold morning with even more ice around, drastically reducing the number of birds on show as many have made their way out to the river as the only unfrozen area nearby. Rushy Hide & Peng Observatory A total of 75 Bewick's Swans this morning inc

1 December 2016