
Big tides, great birding...

Big tides, great birding...

Peng Observatory/Rushy Pen Hide The two Little Grebe, fishing Kingfisher (favours Scott House gutters and Swan pipe), Wigeon. 10 Snipe, 6 Ruff and 70 Teal. Robbie Garnett Hide 70 Teal. Holden Tower 3 Yellow Wagtail among the cattle, 2 Peregrine on the edg

18 September 2016

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Snipe-20 Ringed plover-2 Dunlin-4 Ruff-7 Crane-3 flew west late morning Wigeon-78 Shoveler Teal Meadow pipit Yellow wagtail Sand martin Marsh harrier Buzzard Kestrel Greylag geese-311 Kingfisher-Lady fen Black-tailed godwit Chiffchaff Little egret

17 September 2016

Latest Sightings - Saturday 17th September - First Barnacle Geese arrive!

Latest Sightings - Saturday 17th September - First Barnacle Geese arrive!

It looks like we have our first BARNACLE GEESE of the season, 29 are currently feeding and washing out on the merse. They can be viewed from the Farmhouse Tower and the Saltcot Merse Observatory. Today's high tide 13:24, 9.7m Around the reserve today: Wh

17 September 2016

Great Wader watching over high tide.

Great Wader watching over high tide.

Zeiss Hide A good high tide (09.00 ish) helped to push waders into here. There were 61 Dunlin with 3 very active Little Stint among them. A group of 27 Knot roosted in a very tight group on one of the Islands among 34 Black Tailed Godwit and 4 Ringed Plov

17 September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 17th September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 17th September 2016

112 Teal - grazing marsh 107 Shoveler - main lake 1 Kingfisher - South route 15 Swallow - reservoir lagoon 5 House Martin - reservoir lagoon 1 Peregrine - hunting over grazing marsh September bird highlights: Whinchat, Wheatear, Kingfisher, Buzzard, Pere

17 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Another excellent day with lots of new birds, mainly Pink-footed Geese, small flocks could be seen dropping in through out the morning, by late morning more than 600 had been counted. By the end of the day more than 800 had appeared.  The eclipse male Ga

16 September 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes x 3 still on site Ruff Snipe increasing in number Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Marsh harrier

16 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Great White Egret cr. Rob Werran   British Steel Hide Great White Egret 2 Curlew Sandpiper 11 Black-tailed Godwit 406 Bar-tailed Godwit 3 Lapwing 40 Redshank 11 Spotted Redshank 2 Ruff 2 Dunlin 7 Wigeon 51 Marsh Harrier 1 Peregrine 1   Millenni

16 September 2016

It's a duck day

It's a duck day

There seems to have been an increase in duck overnight, or possibly before the fog yesterday?  Highlights were 2 Garganey on the Top New Piece as viewed from the Zeiss Hide, amongst the 500+ Teal.  There are also a few more Pintail and Wigeon on the res

16 September 2016

Sightings 16/09/16

Sightings 16/09/16

A nice sunny morning around the reserve after some over night rain. There was a scattering of Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff down the avenue and couple of Grey Wagtails &Meadow Pipits flew over calling. There were 60+ Wigeon feeding out on the merse

16 September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 16th September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 16th September 2016

1 Grey Plover - circled reserve before flying East along river @ 8.40 7 Snipe - main lake, grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - west route 12 Wigeon - main lake 3 Swallow - main lake September bird highlights: Whinchat, Wheatear, Kingfisher, Buzzard, Peregrine,

16 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

The low murk around most of the day looked like it may produce something good but a surprise was 2 Red-breasted Merganser which flew south around 10am, very rare on site with only a few records over the years. The eclipse male Garganey was again among the

15 September 2016

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Cranes-3 at Lyle hide Ruff Snipe Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Curlew sandpiper Dunlin Heron Hobby Buzzard Marsh harrier Yellow wagtail Goldfinch Reed warbler

15 September 2016

Wildlife sightings - 15/09/16

Wildlife sightings - 15/09/16

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Curlew sandpiper 1 Common snipe 8 Black-tailed godwit 7 Teal 19 Grey heron 1 Lapwing 2 Redshank 4 Saline Lagoon Black-headed gull 10 Teal 4 Hawthorn Wood Chaffinch 3 Goldfinch 4 Robin 1 Dunnock 1 Great tit 2 Blue tit 3 Othe

15 September 2016

Wigeon in the fog

Wigeon in the fog

A very foggy start has made counting difficult this morning but a few birds could be picked out.  With the forecast sun, it should burn off soon to reveal the birds. Wigeon in the fog Rushy Pen Over 100 Teal could be

15 September 2016