
A thousand Teal

A thousand Teal

An influx of Teal today with 1275 counted from the hides, Chiffchaff are also much in evidence with 35+ seen or heard on the rounds, how many are actually present today is anyone's guess. Rushy Pen Hide A busy spot with 7+ Snipe, 7+ Ruff (this flock come

13 September 2016

Annual bird health check 13-15 September

Annual bird health check 13-15 September

Annual bird health check 13-15 September - Every year we catch up all of our birds to give them their annual booster (much as you would your pet). We also take this opportunity to give the birds a full health check. We check that they have a good body we

13 September 2016

Main observatory management works planned

Main observatory management works planned

On Wednesday 14th September there will be disturbance in front of the main observatory  due to management works to the pools and the wildlife cameras.  This shouldn’t disturb the wildlife at any of our other hides.  We apologise for any inconveni

12 September 2016

Bar-tailed Godwit new for the year

Bar-tailed Godwit new for the year

A Bar-tailed Godwit found yesterday was still present today and is the first record of thiss coastal wader on the reserve this year. More wader action with the arrival of 3 Little Stint best viewed from the Ron Barker Hide. Other waders included 11 Dunlin

12 September 2016

Green woodpecker in reedswamp exhibit

Green woodpecker in reedswamp exhibit

Green woodpeckers feed on the ground, dining on ants and other insects. Other sightings this morning Lapwing hide: Snipe, tufted duck, teal, Cetti's warbler, Canada geese, pheasant Ramsar & SandMartin hides: mute

12 September 2016

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

The 3 Cranes flew west of the Main Observatory again this morning at @ 11am Lots of Yellow wagtails  around the cattle and around the hides Ruff-64 Dunlin-3 Golden plover-on Lady fen Lapwing Snipe Ringed plover-2 juv Shoveler Teal Wigeon Hobby-2 ad 1 j

12 September 2016

Popular hand feeding exhibit gets a new lease of life

Popular hand feeding exhibit gets a new lease of life

A popular hand feeding area at WWT Washington will be almost unrecognisable following re-development. Flock of Common Eider. Close Encounters at WWT Washington Wetland Centre closed for re-development in January 201

12 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Wood Sandpiper, cr James Lees   British Steel Hide Wood sandpiper 1 Curlew Sandpiper 6 Greenshank 46 Dunlin 27 Redshank 210 Marsh Harrier 1 Peregrine 2 Sparrowhawk 1 Black-tailed Godwit c500   Millennium Wetlands Small Red-eyed Damselfly Common

12 September 2016

Monday September 12th update

Monday September 12th update

Plenty to look out for again today, especially on the Folly Pond and in The Corner Field/Prince Philip's Field where there was a total of 3000 Teal yesterday and still similar nos. today, along with 172 Black-tailed Godwits and the odd Ruff and Greensha

12 September 2016

Wildlife sightings - 12/09/16

Wildlife sightings - 12/09/16

a.m. Tide Level: Mid-high Wader Lake Common snipe 9 Grey heron 4 Eurasian teal 16 Lapwing 29 Redshank 29 Black-tailed godwit 17 Gadwall 3 Pied wagtail 2 Saline Lagoon Lesser black-tailed gull 1 (juvenile) Hawthorn Wood Blue tit 7 Willow tit 1 Coal tit 4 O

12 September 2016

Migration excitement recording at Centre

Migration excitement recording at Centre

Breathtaking numbers of two impressive wading birds have been spotted at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre this week, with centre-record numbers of Greenshank and Black-tailed Godwits offering a spectacular sight to visitors. Visitors can expect to see over 1,0

12 September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 12th September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 12th September 2016

14 Wigeon - Main Lake 113 Shoveler - Main lake, Reservoir Lagoon 32 Gadwall - Main Lake, Reservoir Lagoon 5 Snipe - Grazing Marsh 1 Grey Wagtail - Courtyard 1 Peregrine - Perched on Hospital   September bird highlights: Whinchat, Wheatear, Kingfishe

12 September 2016

Increase in Shoveler numbers

Increase in Shoveler numbers

Rushy Pen At least 8 Ruff continue to feed on the wet mud, a few Snipe were hiding among the vegetation. At least 40 Teal are loafing in the shallows with a few other duck species present on the top pond. Tack Piece/Robbie Garnett Hide/Martin Smith Hide A

12 September 2016

Todays Highlights

Todays Highlights

Cranes -  2 adults, 1 juv flew to west part of reserve Reed warblers Blackcap -  female Marsh harrier - 3 Kingfisher Yellow wagtail Meadow pipit Kestrel Buzzard Snipe Ruff - 35 Common sandpiper Green sandpiper - 2 Black-tailed godwit Greylag geese Dunli

11 September 2016

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Another good morning for warblers along the Holden Walkway with lots of Blackcap and Chiffchaff seen and heard plus Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Cetti's Warbler and Willow Warbler.  The group of 13 Ruff remain on the Rushy Pen, tending to favour t

11 September 2016