


Two Wood Sandpipers (adult + juv) were found this evening on Sunleys from Ron Barker Hide, they were calling frequently. Also Green Sandpiper from Harrier Hide and Common Sandpiper from Ron Barker, also the 1st summer Golden Plover was present along with

26 August 2016

Well-wishers bid farewell to adventurer Sacha Dench ahead of swan flight from Arctic

Well-wishers bid farewell to adventurer Sacha Dench ahead of swan flight from Arctic

Well-wishers bid farewell to adventurer and conservationist Sacha Dench yesterday, ahead of her departure for the Arctic where she will accompany rare Bewick’s swans on a 4,500 mile journey in a paramotor as they make their annual migration back to the UK

26 August 2016

Waders and Warblers

Waders and Warblers

The weather is back to being sunny and warm today and the warbler activity has again picked up.  The Knott Hide continues to be one of the best places to catch up with Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat and Reed Warbler but all the hides on the walk to the Hol

26 August 2016

Wildlife sightings - 26/08/16

Wildlife sightings - 26/08/16

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Curlew 25 Redshank 55 Black-tailed godwit 11 Bar-tailed godwit 1 Eurasian teal 20 Avocet 4 Common tern 3 Snipe 2 Lapwing 150 Grey heron 1 Saline Lagoon Goosander 1 Redshank 1 Eurasian teal 1 Goldfinch 15 Hawthorn Wood Gold

26 August 2016

Friday 26th August - Marsh Harrier and Tawny Owl

Friday 26th August - Marsh Harrier and Tawny Owl

The young male Marsh Harrier was around again yesterday, flying over the Flood Ground and around the Avenue Tower. Tawny Owl was in the Farmhouse Garden again last night. Today's high tide 19:40     7.9m Around the reserve today: Insects Blue-taile

26 August 2016

Wildlife sightings for 26th August 2016

Wildlife sightings for 26th August 2016

1 Little Egret - grazing marsh 2 Common Sandpiper - main lake 4 Snipe - grazing marsh 2 Yellow Wagtail - grazing marsh 8 Chiffchaff - South route, sheltered lagoon, wildside 1 Peregrine - perched on Charing cross hospital August bird highlights: Garganey,

26 August 2016

Bird sightings

Bird sightings

A gloomy calm day on site with a little light rain, classic autumn conditions for bringing in new birds. There was a noticeable influx of Snipe with up to 40 birds being seen, also at least 31 Ruff, 2 Dunlin, Common and Green Sandpiper and a nice adult Go

25 August 2016

Farmland failings

Farmland failings

Today, the Government released figures that find the life ebbing away from the English countryside. Many of DEFRA’s natural environment indicators are showing positive trends – carbon, air quality, connection with nature – but the picture in our far

25 August 2016

Sightings Thursday 25th August

Sightings Thursday 25th August

Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Ruff Snipe Black-tailed Godwit Greenshank Lapwing Ringed plover Golden plover (87 on main lagoon) Wigeon Teal Mallard Gadwall Little egret Kingfisher Hobby Marsh harrier Tree sparrow Goldfinch Yellow wagtail

25 August 2016

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

A break from the sun today with a very overcast day with a bit of drizzle in the air, but with temperatures still warm but not as warm as it has been.  Bird activity has cooled off a little today too, but there is still plenty to see.  The Black Tern ca

25 August 2016

Wildlife sightings - 25/08/16

Wildlife sightings - 25/08/16

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Avocet 2 Common tern 3 Black-tailed godwit Teal 20 Redshank 15 Snipe 4 Lapwing 10 Hawthorn Wood Willow tit 1 Coal tit 2 Goldfinch 9 Chaffinch 3 Robin 1 Blue tit 1 Greenfinch 1

25 August 2016

Thursday 25th August - Osprey, Peregrine, Raven, Tawny Owl & a lot of wildfowl!

Thursday 25th August - Osprey, Peregrine, Raven, Tawny Owl & a lot of wildfowl!

An absolutely cracking morning to be on the reserve. Folly Pond is full of birds with Teal and Shoveler numbers increasing, a few Wigeon and Pintail arriving and a good number of waders now passing through. An Osprey is feeding out on the Solway mud at

25 August 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th August 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th August 2016

1 Dunlin - gull ridge (main lake) 5 Snipe - flew on to Marsh from the W 2 Garganey - Main Lake 1 Common Sandpiper - Main Lake 14 Chiffchaff - South route, Sheltered lagoon, Wildside 6 Willow Warbler - South route 3 Yellow Wagtail - marsh 1 Lesser White

25 August 2016

Waders for all

Waders for all

We've got a great selection of waders across the reserve at present as birds arrive for the winter or stop of on their way elsewhere.  Visit almost any hide and you stand a good chance of seeing a Green Sandpiper, but for your best chance try the Rushy P

24 August 2016

Willow sculptures

Willow sculptures

Around the Wetland Walkway at Steart Marshes you can now spot 10 willow sculptures.  These are life size models, made from Somerset willow by local artists, of animals that live in or use this Working Wetland.   The attached information sheet gives

24 August 2016