
More return migration

More return migration

Estuary from Middle Point and Holden Tower A flock of 103 Dunlin contained a breeding plumaged CURLEW SANDPIPER and two Sanderling. Other birds noted on the estuary included a Turnstone, the first returning 5 Ringed Plover, a Little-ringed Plover, 7, 1 a

27 July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 27th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 27th July 2016

2 Black-tailed Godwit - wader scrape 2 Garganey - main lake 7 Teal - scrape 1 Hobby 2 Common Tern - main lake 5 House Martin - feeding near Peacock Tower   July bird highlights: Little Egret, Shelduck, Garganey, Whimbrel, Hobby, Redshank, Black-tail

27 July 2016

Latest Sightings 27th July

Latest Sightings 27th July

Our Mute Swan family seem to have split up briefly, with the parents and 6 cygnets on the Whooper Pond and a lone cygnet on the Teal Pond this morning. There is also a single cygnet on the Flood Ground, which is now back with it's parents. All cygnets are

27 July 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

British Steel Hide and Observatory Black-Tailed Godwit 302 Knot 8 Curlew 440 Greenshank 39 Common Sandpiper 1 White Wagtail 1 Peregrine Falcon 1 Cormorant 29 Little Egret 50 Grey Heron 3 Lesser Black-Backed Gull 141 Herring Gull 15 Great Crested Grebe 1

26 July 2016

Today's Sighting's

Today's Sighting's

WADER LAKE/AM/HIGH TIDE Avocet - 14 + 2 young Oystercatcher - 6 Grey Heron - 12 Shelduck - 6 Redshank - 40 Tufted Duck - 14 Eurasian teal - 2 Common Sandpiper - 3 Lapwing - 9 Black-Headed Gull - 160 Common Tern - 180   SALINE LAGOON /AM/HIGH TIDE Lap

26 July 2016

Wildlife sightings - 26/07/16

Wildlife sightings - 26/07/16

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Avocet 14 + 2 young Oystercatcher 6 Grey heron 12 Shelduck 6 Redshank 40 Tufted duck 14 Eurasian teal 2 Common sandpiper 3 Lapwing 9 Black-headed gull 160 Common tern 180 Saline Lagoon Lapwing 29 Grey heron 2 Black-headed

26 July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 26th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 26th July 2016

1 Garganey - main lake 3 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 2 gadwall broods - main lake, reservoir lagoon 27 Lapwing - main lake, reservoir lagoon 1 Kingfisher - flew along main  lake North shore July bird highlights: Little Egret, Shelduck, Garganey, Whimbre

26 July 2016

Latest Sightings 26th July

Latest Sightings 26th July

A Common Sandpiper on the Folly Pond this morning, likely on passage through the reserve heading south. Roe Deer in the Meadow and Flood Ground today, with Sand Martins also beginning to pass through. Today's high tide 17:48       8.5m Around the

26 July 2016

Changing Waders

Changing Waders

Fresher condition and the odd shower from the weekend starting to produce more waders today. Lapwing numbers are over 500 although two Peregrine hunting flushed some off the reserve this afternoon. They'll be back (Lapwings and the Peregrines!) At least 2

25 July 2016

Solar Day at Castle Espie

Solar Day at Castle Espie

Have an ‘Astronomical’ Day Out at Castle Espie Calling all astronomers, adventurers and more! Get ready for an astronomical day out at Castle Espie’s Solar Day on Sunday, 7 August. Join the Irish Astronomical Association and Emerald Garrison Star W

25 July 2016

Reserve Update Monday 25th July

Reserve Update Monday 25th July

The osprey chicks are proving to be a very entertaining spectacle on the big screen for visitors to the coffee shop on the reserve.  They are getting more experienced with their flying and have started to feed themselves on the plentiful fish stocks tha

25 July 2016

News for 24 and 25 July

News for 24 and 25 July

Late news for yesterday- The Land rover safaris were productive with Marsh Harrier seen on both the 11-1pm and 2-4pm outings. We noted 9 Grass Snakes and although elusive an Otter was fishing and causing a panic among the moulting ducks. Common Kestrel- i

25 July 2016

Improving habitat for wetland birds

Improving habitat for wetland birds

Before the coir matting was implemented Habitat improvements at WWT Washington Wetland Centre, which will help protect wildlife nesting areas and tackle wetland erosion, have been given a funding boost by support of p

25 July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th July 2016

1 Pochard brood - main lake 3 Gadwall broods - main lake, resr lagoon 11 Teal - scrape, resr lagoon 8 Swallow - feeding over resr lagoon a.m. 2 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon, south route   July bird highlights: Little Egret, Shelduck, Garganey, Whim

25 July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th July 2016

2 Garganey - eclipse pair on main lake, island 4 1 Peregrine - landed on main lake 1 Hobby - over the scrape 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon   July bird highlights: Little Egret, Shelduck, Garganey, Whimbrel, Hobby, Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Gre

24 July 2016