
Today's Sighting's

Today's Sighting's

WADER LAKE / AM / MID TIDE Avocet - 16 + 3 chicks Common Tern - 115+ Shoveler - 6 Gadwall - 2 Tufted Duck - 16 Ringed Plover - 2 Lapwing - 10 Shelduck - 8 + 6 chicks Redshank - 3   SALINE LAGOON Gadwall - 6 Shelduck - 8   OTHER BIRDS Sedge Warbl

25 May 2016

Freckled ducks - a duck's eye view...

Freckled ducks - a duck's eye view...

Whilst worming a group of 2015 hatched stifftails this morning the lively topic of conversation amongst my colleagues was "name your top three" birds at Slimbridge. My top three was: Freckled duck Black-headed duck White-winged wood duck This was imme

25 May 2016

Wednesday May 25th

Wednesday May 25th

Much cooler and overcast today, albeit dry, making for better visibility. Little change on the wildlife front from recent days Today's high tide is at 15:17,  8.6m Around the reserve today: Whooper Pond Mallard 10+ Oystercatcher 2 Mute Swan 2 - wit

25 May 2016

Rare sighting of Goosander

Rare sighting of Goosander

Greater Crested Grebe taken by James Lees (Archive Picture) Rushy Cranes 2 (Still incubating in front of hide.) Avocet 25 (some birds sitting on nests) Lapwing 2 Wigeon (male & female) South Lake Black Tailed Godw

25 May 2016

Today's sightings - 25/02/16

Today's sightings - 25/02/16

a.m. Tide level: Mid Wader Lake Avocet 16 + 3 chicks Common tern 115+ Shoveler 6 Gadwall 2 Tufted duck 16 Ringed plover 2 Lapwing 10 Shelduck 8 + 6 chicks Redshank 3 Saline Lagoon Gadwall 6 Shelduck 8 Hawthorn Wood Great-spotted woodpecker 1 Willow tit 2

25 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th May 2016

1 Kestrel - over south route 2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 1 Kingfisher - entrance lake 100+ Swift - low over reserve   May bird highlights: Shelduck, Little Egret, Knot, Whimbrel, Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Greenshank, Ringed

25 May 2016

Tuesday May 24th

Tuesday May 24th

Not a lot of change today; the stint posted on Twitter yesterday didn't stay, but was probably a Temminck's. Still plenty of birdsong in the main avenue particularly - great for brushing up on those more common warblers Today's high tide is at 14:42  8.

24 May 2016

Today's sightings - 24/05/16

Today's sightings - 24/05/16

a.m. Tide level: Mid Wader Lake Common Tern 132 Oystercatcher + single chick 2 Grey heron 29+ Ringed plover 1 Little ringed plover 1 Avocet 15 + 2 chicks Lapwing 12 Shoveler 2 Saline Lagoon Kestrel 1 Shoveler 1 Lapwing 1 Tufted duck 8 Hawthorn Wood Great

24 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th May 2016

1 Kestrel - sheltered lagoon 2 Lapwing chicks - main lake 2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 80 Swift 1 Whitethroat - singing wader scrape bank   Additional sighting from yesterday: 1 Common Sandpiper - scrape   May

24 May 2016

Tuesday morning sightings

Tuesday morning sightings

Red kite in flight (Archive picture) 10 Red Kite over at 1045am. Rushy Pen 24+ Avocets, two broods and 10 nests. Wigeon pair Oystercatcher pair with young Crane pair nesting (Monty and Sedge) Tack Piece 54 Greylag Gee

24 May 2016

Monday 23 May highlights

Monday 23 May highlights

Swift in flight. (Archive picture) We have at least 57 adult Avocet on the scrapes with two broods of 4 and 1+ on the Rushy Pen. Four pairs of Oystercatcher have now hatched young. 36 Black-tailed Godwit are also to b

23 May 2016

Great-crested Good News!

Great-crested Good News!

Amazed to come in this morning to see our pair of Great-crested Grebe which originally turned up on the 7th April have built a nest!  This is the first time this has occurred at Martin Mere. Will they be successful?  Watch this space or better still spe

23 May 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Millennium Wetlands Black-Tailed Godwit 285 Knot 11 Lapwing 11 (7 adults and 4 chicks!) Black-Headed Gull 352 Mediterranean Gull 11 Spotted Flycatcher 1 Sedge Warbler 10 Common Whitethroat 12 Willow Warbler 4 Blackcap 18 Lesser Whitethroat 2 Reed Warble

23 May 2016

Wildlife sighting - 23/05/16

Wildlife sighting - 23/05/16

a.m. Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Grey heron 30 Common tern 114 Shovoler 2 Avocet 16 + 3 chicks Oystercatcher 3 Shelduck 34 Gadwall 2 Little ringed plover 1 Lapwing 19 Saline Lagoon Tufted duck 2 Gadwall 2 Sedge warbler (calling) Hawthorn Wood Jay 1 Willow

23 May 2016

Recent sightings - 23rd May

Recent sightings - 23rd May

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, at low tide. Main lake – visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Mallard 45, Tufted duck 8, Black-headed gull 90, Shelduck 3, Coot 2, Greylag 4, Little egret 1. Freshwater

23 May 2016