
Wildlife Sightings for May 20

Wildlife Sightings for May 20

A clutch of shelduck ducklings have hatched out near the Scrape hide. Photo by Russ Tofts Spotted this morning at: The Lapwing Hide: Lapwing, Canada geese, wood pigeon, gadwall, coot, black-headed gull. On Wetlands Di

20 May 2016

Shelducklings hatch, dunlin spotted & great crested grebe returns

Shelducklings hatch, dunlin spotted & great crested grebe returns

A long tailed tit fledgling calls for its lunch in the woodland loop. This is Paul Steven's Wildlife Sightings column for May 19, 2016. You can read Paul’s column every week in the Observer series of newspapers. New

20 May 2016

Fridays bird news

Fridays bird news

Osytercatcher at Slimbridge by James Lees (Archive picture) The Rushy Avocet 27 Oystercatcher 2 Common Crane Pair still incubating on nest close to hide The Tack Piece Avocet 6 The Holden Tower Avocet 8 The South Lake

20 May 2016

Bridge ramp maintenance 23-25 May

Bridge ramp maintenance 23-25 May

The ramp at the reserve end of the bridge is being repaired Mon 23 - Wed 25 May.  There will only be access to the reserve via the steps down from the bridge. We apologise for any inconvenience caused, but have scheduled these dates so as to avoid the ba

20 May 2016

A white duckling??

A white duckling??

In a first for the centre, WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre, has hatched a pure white domestic duckling. Grounds Manager, Steve Nasir, said: “Over the years Martin Mere has hatched literally thousands of domestic ducklings but this is the first time we ha

20 May 2016

Today's sightings - 20/05/16

Today's sightings - 20/05/16

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Avocet 16 + 6 chicks (2 broods) Oystercatcher 4 + 3 chicks (2 broods) Little ringed plover 2 Redshank 3 Lapwing 9 + 7 chicks (3 broods) Common tern 52 Grey heron 30 + 41 young Shoveler 3 Gadwall 5 Shelduck 17 Saline Lagoon

20 May 2016

Reserve Update Friday 20th May

Reserve Update Friday 20th May

No sign of the wood sandpiper yet this morning but visitors were get cracking views from the folly pond hide yesterday afternoon (despite the weather!) Pair of pintail showing nicely on the flood ground and the first lapwing chicks have been spotted at a

20 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 20th May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 20th May 2016

4 Common Tern - main lake 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 150 Swift - over site and the river 30 House Martin - mostly over wildside May bird highlights: Shelduck, Little Egret, Knot, Whimbrel, Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Greenshank, R

20 May 2016

Today's sightings- Great White Egret

Today's sightings- Great White Egret

A Great White Egret turned up today, unfortunately it can only be seen distantly from the Sloane Tower as it is in a very sensitive area for breeding birds. The weather look set to cancel Land Rover safaris this weekend so we can only hope it chooses to v

19 May 2016

Bird News

Bird News

A quiet day, with few people birding and very few reports being received from around the reserve. Star of the day was Cuckoo was singing near the Ron Barker hide this morning - with each passing year this evocative sounds is heard less and less, and it's

19 May 2016

Bring your little ones to meet ours at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre this half term

Bring your little ones to meet ours at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre this half term

Downy Duckling Week is back at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre this spring half term! Come along to our famous duckery tours and meet our newly hatched fluffy ducklings and for one week only, go behind-the-scenes to our duckling nursery for a very special eg

19 May 2016

Ducklings take their first steps

Ducklings take their first steps

Shoveler duck with 12 ducklings Ducklings and chicks are starting to appear all over the reserve.  This female shoveler was seen taking to the water on Lady Fen with her 12 fluffy ducklings earlier today.  Great to

19 May 2016

Reserve Update Thursday 19th May

Reserve Update Thursday 19th May

Folly pond was the place to be yesterday afternoon with visits from a wood sandpiper and female garganey.  The wood sandpiper has been seen again first thing this morning but no sign of the garganey yet..... Blackbirds have been creating a ruckus in th

19 May 2016

Sightings 19th May

Sightings 19th May

Misty start to the day but lokks as if may lift soon. All hides open apart from Allport, all paths open apart from Summer walk. Little ringed plover Black-tailed godwit Avocet Redshank Oystercatcher Garganey Gadwall Pochard Shoveler Shelduck Tufted duck W

19 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 19th May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 19th May 2016

4 Shelduck - scrape, marsh, main lake 2 Shoveler (pair) - marsh 1 Hobby - marsh 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake, resr lagoon 4 Common Tern - main lake, reedbed 1 Kingfisher - resr lagoon/reedbed 1 Yellow Wagtail - marsh 1 Wheatear - marsh 6 Swallow - mai

19 May 2016