
Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A barn owl has been seen hunting quite a lot this week, mainly over woodend marsh to bring back to its nest in Harrier Hide. 2 juvenile cuckoos were spotted recently; one at Ron Barker hide and the other on the outer reedbed walk, which is also where a gr

8 July 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Half of our herd of English Longhorn cattle have been moved onto the mere this week, and some cattle egrets have moved with them! The rest can still be seen at woodend marsh. A common tern was seen opposite Discovery hide, and plenty of swallows and swift

5 July 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

60 black-tailed godwits have been seen from Rees hide this week, along with 2 little-ringed plover, 7 green sandpipers, and 1 common sandpiper. A stoat was spotted at Gordon Taylor hide and a hobby was also seen flying overhead.4 cattle egrets were seen i

1 July 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The hobby has been seen yet again at Ron Barker hide, as well as the occasional bittern. Also from Ron Barker, a flock of 22 black-tailed godwits have been sighted, along with 3 little egrets, 75 teal, and 10 little ringed plover. Some avocets and common

28 June 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It's been a busy week at Gordon Taylor hide as 4 green sandpipers, 1 common sandpiper, 2 snipe, 1 wood sandpiper, a juvenile ringed plover, and a little ringed plover have all been spotted there since Saturday! It also may be the spot to see the 8 cattle

25 June 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It looks like we are going to have some nice weather this week and hope to see more Butterflies and Dragonflies appearing.A Bittern has been seen 2 days running flying from the Ron Barker Hide to the reedbed. Also on the path to the Ron Barker Hide a Barn

20 June 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The sunshine and showers have continued over the weekend, but this has not stopped the reserves usual customers! A hobby was from Ron Barker yesterday morning. Marsh harriers have been showing well in the main reedbed, as well as the reedbed that can be s

18 June 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Rain hasn't stopped play this week at Martin Mere and we've still been seeing a lot of activity. Some black-headed gull chicks have started to fledge on the mere, and 3 of the 5 common tern nests have hatched. The med gulls currently have 2 nests on the m

14 June 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The juvenile kingfishers are still showing well at Ron Barker hide with good daily sightings. Ron Barker also offers good views of cattle egret at present with them amongst the large herd of cattle as well as getting up close to the bull!We are also conti

11 June 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

There have been quite a few marsh harrier sightings this week, with at least 6 having been spotted. Three juvenile kingfishers can now be seen at Ron Barker hide. We have had more and more reports coming in of water vole sightings on our Canoe Safari, alo

3 June 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week at Ron Barker hide; not only has a male kingfisher been spotted there, but so have two juveniles! Five recently fledged stonechats have also been seen from Ron Barker, and our tawny owl is occasionally seen in the trees nearby alon

31 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week in the reserve, with highlights from across the different bird groups.Hobby activity has been increasing, with sightings most days this week, as they swoop and dive catching dragonflies over the waterbodies. In terms of owls, the b

27 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Our bittern has been heard booming once again from near Harrier Hide, and a great crested grebe can be seen from the lake Harrier Hide overlooks. 9 avocet nests can be seen from Tomlinson Hide. There has been lots of activity at Rees hide today, as a wood

21 May 2024

Bittern booming and avocet chicks

Bittern booming and avocet chicks

BOOM!! We have a Bittern booming in the Reedbed. They are here every year but fingers crossed we have a lady Bittern this year!! All the hard work from the volunteers and the reserve team over the winter has paid off!! Photo of a bittern in flight y

14 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This weeks warm weather has allowed us to perform surveys on the various birds across site, including our monthly Wetland Bird Survey!Other highlights of the weekend include a bittern, which was heard booming on Saturday, and flying over the Reedbed Walk

13 May 2024