
First ever floating aviary to save world's rarest duck

First ever floating aviary to save world's rarest duck

A flock of tufted ducks will spend the next ten days in the world’s first known floating aviary at the WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre, Gloucestershire as part of a trial that could save their cousins on the other side of the world, the Madagascar Pochard

25 August 2017

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Curlew cr. James Lees British Steel Hide Mute Swan 4 Greylag 1 Shelduck 3 Wigeon 4 Cormorant 26 Little Egret 35 Grey Heron 1 Spoonbill 3 Great Crested Grebe 2 Lapwing 10 Ringed Plover 6 Whimbrel 10 Curlew 433 Black-ta

25 August 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag goose Mallard Shoveler Teal Garganey Wigeon Gadwall Shelduck Moorhen Coot Grey heron Curlew Little egret Black-tailed godwit Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Ruff Snipe Little ringed plover Lapwing Herring gull Black-headed

25 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Wader Lake     Time/AM     Tide/High Avocet - 2 Black-tailed Godwit - 2 Ruff - 1 Lapwing - 170 Redshank - 62 Teal - 18 Shelduck - 1   Saline Lagoon     Time/AM     Tide/High Mallard - 60 Teal - 20 Grey Wagtail - 2   Hawthorn Wood

25 August 2017

Watch for warblers

Watch for warblers

The sun is shinning this morning and with very little wind, the tops of the trees in front of the Holden Tower and the hedgerow along the Summer Walkway are alive with warblers on the move. Young Whitethroat cr. Russ Myner

25 August 2017

Wildlife sightings for 25th August 2017

Wildlife sightings for 25th August 2017

2 Little Egret - wader scrape 2 Common Sandpiper - wader scrape 2 Wheatear - grazing marsh 2 Whinchat - grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - South route 3 Chiffchaff - South route 2 Red Kite - flew over SE+SW a.m. August bird highlights: Common Sandpiper, Green

25 August 2017

Latest Sightings - 25th August - Godwits, Harrier and Goshawk

Latest Sightings - 25th August - Godwits, Harrier and Goshawk

The Folly Pond is still one of the best places on the reserve at the moment. Plenty of mud means the Black-tailed Godwits are feeding there most days despite the work we have been doing around that area. There are over 60 Godwits there this morning. There

25 August 2017

More high tide waders

More high tide waders

This morning's high tide pushed waders back on to the Top New Piece as viewed from the Zeiss Hide, including 400+ Dunlin, 80+ Ringed Plover and a summer plumaged Little Stint. Flock of Dunlin with Black-headed Gulls on the

24 August 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Canada goose Moorhen Mallard Shoveler Shelduck Teal Moorhen Grey heron Little egret Snipe Black-tailed godwit Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Kingfisher Reed warbler Yellow wagtail Pied wagtail Tree sparrow House spar

24 August 2017

Goat moth caterpillars

Goat moth caterpillars

Goat moth caterpillar This month there have been lots of reports of goat moth caterpillar sightings around the reserve.  Goat moths are a scarce species in the UK and have been in decline since at least the 1960's. H

24 August 2017

Wildlife sightings for 24th August 2017

Wildlife sightings for 24th August 2017

3 Common Sandpiper - scrape 2 Green Sandpiper - scrape 1 Kestrel - sheltered lagoon 1 Hobby - caught Sand Martin over the scrape 1 Whinchat - marsh fence (on reedbed border) 1 Wheatear - marsh fence (on reedbed border) 6 Swallow - over S   August b

24 August 2017

We didn't expect that

We didn't expect that

Today's unquestionable highlight was an Osprey on the river.  Although a regular passage species for the reserve and estuary, we didn't expect this bird to be sat on a log and floating up river on the incoming tide this morning.  It was flushed off by a

23 August 2017

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Long-tailed tit, cr. Russ Myners   British Steel Hide Mute Swan 5 Greylag 1 Cormorant 45 Little Egret 57 Great Crested Grebe 2 Grey Heron 2 Spoonbill 3 Sparrowhawk 1 Buzzard 1 Peregrine 1 Lapwing 37 Ringed Plover

23 August 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Mallard Teal Moorhen Cormorant Little egret Grey heron Black-tailed godwit Green sandpiper Tree sparrow House sparrow Goldfinch Pied wagtail Robin House martin Swallow Hobby Marsh harrier Buzzard Kestrel Sharp-tailed b

23 August 2017

Fledged sand martin & more kingfishers

Fledged sand martin & more kingfishers

Demoiselle spotted from the Wetlands Discovery Boat Safari by visitor Rachel Calver Late August is a time of transition around the wetland reserve.  Summery species like red admiral butterflies, holly blues and brown

23 August 2017