Latest Sightings - Saturday 8th September
An overcast morning, but the Avenues are alive with birds. The Swallows and House Martins are gathering on wires and on top of the swan pipe, ready for migration. A flock of Gold and Greenfinches are regularly feeding in the Wildlife Garden. A flock of L
8 September 2018
Wildlife sightings for 8th September 2018
1 Wheatear - grazing marsh 1 Common Sandpiper - wader scrape 4 Wigeon - main lake 5 Little Grebe + 3 chicks - main lake, reservoir lagoon 4 Snipe - main lake 70 House Martin - reservoir lagoon, grazing marsh 1 Water Rail - calling from the main reedbeds
8 September 2018
Latest Sighting
A damp start and a cool fresh WNW wind throughout the day. A small group of 6 Dunlin were new in. At least 300 Lapwing, 30+ Snipe, 20+ Ruff, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher and Green Sandpiper. Lapwing in front of t
7 September 2018
Look who's back!
The last few days of August, saw the first Light-Bellied Brent Geese recorded on Strangford Lough this season. So far more than a dozen completed their epic journey from the Arctic and landed safely on the Lough, lured back by the life giving eelgrass. A
7 September 2018
Wildlife Sightings - 07/09/18
Wader Lake Time/AM Tide/Low Lapwing - 12 Common Snipe - 3 Redshank - 8 Teal - 31 Pied Wagtail - 3 Stock Dove - 5 Saline Lagoon Greenshank - 1 Hawthorn Wood Great Spotted Woodpecker - 2 (male & female) Nuthatch - 2 Willow
7 September 2018
Today's sightings
Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Barnacle goose Mallard Teal Coot Moorhen Bittern (flying past Lyle hide) Avocet Black-tailed godwit Common sandpiper Ruff Greenshank Dunlin Snipe Swallow Yellow wagtail House sparrow Tree sparrow Great tit Goldfinch Stock do
7 September 2018
Wildlife sightings for 7th September 2018
1 Common Sandpiper - wader scrape 3 Wigeon - main lake 2 Snipe - main lake 50 House Martin - reservoir lagoon 1 Swallow - reservoir lagoon 4 Chiffchaff - entrance area, South route, sheltered lagoon 1 Peregrine - Charing cross hospital Please note there
7 September 2018
Friday's sightings
A lovely sunny morning on the reserve with a great selection of birds on offer, not least on the river. Mid Point A small flock of 8 Sanderling were on the mud this morning along with 6 Ringed Plover and 6 Dunlin. A total of 273 Curlew left the spartina
7 September 2018
Animal Magic
WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre is flying open it’s doors on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 September for the annual wildlife spectacular: Animal Magic. Working with Exotic Zoo, regularly featured on Blue Peter, Animal Magic is the centres most popular family
6 September 2018
Today's sightings
Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Barnacle goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Teal Coot Moorhen Cormorant Bittern (Lyle, Allport hide) Grey heron Little egret Avocet Curlew Ruff Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Black-tailed godwit Dunlin Ringed plover S
6 September 2018
Temminck's Return
After an absence of two days the juvenile Temminck's Stint returned to feeding on Vinson's Marsh late morning. There are a few pools on the reserve which can't be seen, so it's possible the bird had been lying low there. The day started off with some ligh
6 September 2018
Today's sightings
A couple of new arrivals this morning with the Wigeon flock on the Top New Piece now up to 18 birds. Also new here were at least 2 juvenile Spotted Redshank. Three juveniles were flushed by a hunting Peregrine this morning, but this may include the on
6 September 2018
Wildlife sightings for 6th September 2018
1 Garganey - wader scrape 3 Wigeon - main lake 2 Common Sandpiper - main lake, wader scrape 4 Little Grebe + 3 Chicks - main lake 1 Hobby - wildside 1 Grey Wagtail - otter enclosure 8 House Martin - reservoir lagoon 3 Chiffchaff - wildside, South route, s
6 September 2018
Lesser whistling ducks - it's been a while.
The lesser whistling duck (Javan whistling duck) is a species that has not been seen in the Slimbridge rearing facility for over 20 years. This cheerful and feisty species has only recently made a comeback into popular Aviculture, and we’re thrilled to
5 September 2018
Latest Sightings
A chilly but bright start to the day with some autumn mist hanging over the reserve. The ringtail Hen Harrier was seen again this morning interacting with Marsh Harrier. At least two Marsh Harrier today, Peregrine, 3 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.
5 September 2018