
Goslings, ducklings and chicks

Goslings, ducklings and chicks

There are plenty of opportunities for “cute” wildlife photos across WWT Arundel's site now that spring is underway. There are at least 5 greylag geese pairs with goslings in tow and similar number of Canada geese pairs. The geese frequent the picnic a

30 April 2024

Moth survey & butterfly eggs

Moth survey & butterfly eggs

The first moth survey of the season only attracted 3 moths and a female minotaur beetle, due to the cold temperatures. We did have a lovely emperor moth sitting on the access gate for staff to the Pelican Cove exhibit on Tues 23 on Monday morning. Cuckoo

24 April 2024

Warbler, martins and young ones

Warbler, martins and young ones

Summer migrants are returning, with the songs of sedge and reed warblers filling the reedbeds. Cetti’s warblers are around as well and several black caps and a lesser whitethroat seen over the past few days. The sand martins have return returned and

18 April 2024

Breeding season for the WWT Arundel collection

Breeding season for the WWT Arundel collection

The breeding season is underway! Head Keeper Sam McKinlay and the Collection Team of Keepers are busy keeping a watchful eye on the birds in our WWT collection of threatened and endangered birds they care for at Arundel Wetland Centre. New Incubation a

16 April 2024

Nesting wildlife update this Spring

Nesting wildlife update this Spring

The joys of spring are well underway. Birds are singing, nest building and in some cases already hatching young. Treat your senses to wildflowers blooming, insects buzzing and birdsong in the air as wildlife awakens throughout the wetlands. Bring your

16 April 2024

Sand martins return to their colony at WWT Arundel

Sand martins return to their colony at WWT Arundel

Sand martins were spotted at the nesting banks at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre on March 27. The birds have been returning each spring since 2017 to raise their young in the unique nesting banks built into the wildlife hide. Every spring, swirls of sand ma

4 April 2024

Spring birds on the nest

Spring birds on the nest

A female mallard with 6 ducklings in tow was spotted on the Wet Grassland on Monday. Moorhen chicks have also been spotted on a ditch behind our duckery. A pair of pergrines have been spotted on the Offham hangar, likely the pair that annually nest on the

29 March 2024

Young carers enjoy a day out at WWT Arundel

Young carers enjoy a day out at WWT Arundel

Young carers were thanked for their tireless work of looking after loved ones with a free visit to the WWT Arundel Wetland Centre on Sat 24 February.The visit by a group of nine young people from West Sussex Young Carers Family Service was made possible t

24 March 2024

Bittern, kingfishers, lapwings & oystercatchers

Bittern, kingfishers, lapwings & oystercatchers

Reserve Supervisor Rosie flushed up a bittern about 5m away from the front of the Scrape hide this morning (Thurs 21 March) while working in the area. Kingfishers have been using the nest hole 5 in the Arun Riverlife nest bank again this year. There has b

21 March 2024

Top 5 for Families this Spring

Top 5 for Families this Spring

Spring is a great time to get the family together and enjoy being out and about in nature. There are so many wonderful things to see and places to explore at Arundel Wetland Centre this season! With migrating birds calling, flora blossoming and many

17 March 2024

New project and work this breeding season

New project and work this breeding season

There is always stunning wildlife to see at Arundel Wetland Centre but our site is also home to a collection of non-native ducks and geese that tell the story of wetlands around the world. Caring for these birds has our keepers busy year 'round but especi

15 March 2024

Wetland wildlife to watch in early spring

Wetland wildlife to watch in early spring

Its the spring equinox on 20 March but spring behaviours began earlier with the weather setting the timetable: warmer days bring things forward while cooler temperatures slow them down. By the time March goes out like a lamb, spring will definitely be

14 March 2024

White tailed eagles and kingfishers

White tailed eagles and kingfishers

Two white tailed eagles have been back over the Reserve a few times this month. The pair were flying up and down the Offham hangar and over the car park and visitor centre on both March 2 and March 4. A kingfisher male has been very active on the nesting

11 March 2024

Words for Wetlands event program launches on World Book Day

Words for Wetlands event program launches on World Book Day

WWT Arundel Wetland Centre is launching its 2024 events theme of “Words for Wetlands” on World Book Day - Thursday 7 March. On World Book Day young visitors to Arundel Wetland Centre are encouraged to bring their grown up to our “Book Nook” in

4 March 2024

Oystercatchers are back and kingfisher nest hunting

Oystercatchers are back and kingfisher nest hunting

A male kingfisher has been inspecting nest holes at the Kingfisher bank. Regular visitor Mike Jerome took these lovely photos. We recently removed some trees near the kingfisher nesting bank. Our Reserve team manage this wet grassland habitat at Arun Rive

28 February 2024