
White-tailed eagles at Arundel

White-tailed eagles at Arundel

A wildlife reintroduction project miles away on the Isle of Wight has led to sightings of white-tailed eagles at Arundel Wetland Centre for the first time. The white-tailed eagles, also known as sea eagles, began appearing here in October and are still

5 December 2022

Holiday hours at Arundel Wetland Centre

Holiday hours at Arundel Wetland Centre

Arundel Wetland Centre is open every day in December, except for Christmas Day, to allow visitors to enjoy vibrant family days out or peaceful moments, away from the hustle and bustle, this holiday season.For Christmas Eve December 24 we are closing at bi

1 December 2022

Lapwings, bullfinches & grebes

Lapwings, bullfinches & grebes

The juvenile great crested grebe was still on site this morning between the Ramsar hide and the Sand martins. Our usual little grebe (dabchick) was there as well although going after much smaller fish! The new gravel islands are proving popular with cormo

21 November 2022

Sea eagle, great crested grebe & teal

Sea eagle, great crested grebe & teal

Its been a week of wild, rainy and windy weather! We sighted one of the white tailed eagles again on Mon 7 Nov, flying over the reserve from the Offham Hangar. On Saturday and Monday a juvenile great crested grebe was onsite seen from the Ramsar hide. A l

9 November 2022

White Tailed eagle sightings

White Tailed eagle sightings

Two white-tailed eagles, also known as sea eagles have been spotted over our site since daily last Sun 30 Oct. Red kites have also been spotted near the eagles, and sometimes it is just a solo eagle. We have been seeing the eagles off and on all month.

1 November 2022

Checking the nest chambers at the Sand Martin hide nesting bank

Checking the nest chambers at the Sand Martin hide nesting bank

Now that breeding season is over and the martins have migrated south, our Reserve Team entered the nesting chambers of the Sand Martin hide to check how many were used this year. Many nest holes were active in the summer so we were excited to count the re

22 October 2022

Great egret around all week

Great egret around all week

A great egret has been onsite all week, moving between the lagoon at Ramsar and Sand martin hides and the water at Scrape hide. We are getting up to 14 little egrets in to roost at the end of the day. Visitor Martin Watson took this photo of the great egr

19 October 2022

Visit the Scrape hide to look for snipe

Visit the Scrape hide to look for snipe

The number of snipe onsite have increased. The Scrape hide seems to be the hot spot for picking them out on the edges of the main island. The stripey markings of the snipe's feathers help them blend into the reeds and grasses. A family of Egyptian gees

12 October 2022

Kestrel, egyptian geese and kingfishers

Kestrel, egyptian geese and kingfishers

On Tuesday a staff member on a lunchtime walk came across a cluster of visitors on the long path. They were watching a kestrel perching on the Wetland Secrets building. The kesterel then moved onto the Reedbed hide roof between spots of hovering for prey.

6 October 2022

Explore the weird & wonderful eek!citing trail this half term

Explore the weird & wonderful eek!citing trail this half term

FAMILIES can put their courage to the test as they explore the eek!citing and mysterious world of wetland nature this October half term on at eek! week at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre. From the feathered and furred to the slimy and scaly, there are some

1 October 2022

Snipe, kingfishers and cormorants

Snipe, kingfishers and cormorants

Regular snipe sightings especially from the Scrape hide now. There's at least one cormorant and one grey heron between Sand Martin & Ramsar hides. Regular kingfisher sightings continue including at the Lapwing hide. We have been seeing a good array of dra

25 September 2022

Connect with nature this autumn at Arundel

Connect with nature this autumn at Arundel

Autumn is a natural time of change and reflection. Nature’s palette shifts and migrating birds pass through on journeys south or arrive to stay the winter. After the busy summer we also slow down and search for calm. We know that spending time in natu

13 September 2022

Managing our wild side

Managing our wild side

Reserve Manager Suzi Lanaway (above) takes you through the summer season of wildlife at Arundel Wetland Centre and ahead to autumn with these monthly updates. June: Kingfisher fledglings, delightful damselflies and 'toadpoles' The wet weather followed b

11 September 2022

Who's new at Arundel this season

Who's new at Arundel this season

From May through September the Keepers at Arundel were busy with the hatching, feeding and fledging of new cygnets, goslings and ducklings among the collection birds at Arundel Wetland Centre. Many birds nest in exhibits in boxes built by the Keepers. Eg

10 September 2022

Herons,  bullfinches and house martins

Herons, bullfinches and house martins

Reports of kingfishers sightings daily and visitors are still sending in their shots so chances are you'll spot one at the Scrape hide, Arun Riverlife lagoon or on the large lagoon between the Ramsar & Sand martin hides.Looks like the oystercatcher pair n

28 August 2022