
Hawkers and common darters

Hawkers and common darters

Last week's dragonfly survey recorded over one hundred dragonflies and damselflies onsite. Five species were recorded: mostly migrant hawkers and common darter dragonflies with good numbers of southern hawkers, brown hawkers, and willow emerald damself

20 September 2023

Kingfisher adults & juveniles all active on site

Kingfisher adults & juveniles all active on site

The last brood of kingfishers fledged from the bank on Arun Riverlife around 9th August, but can still be seen darting around the reserve, as can the parents.Regular visitor Alec Pelling took this stunning kingfisher photo from the Discovery hide on Sept

12 September 2023

Waterbird ID Guide

Waterbird ID Guide

This handy reference guide will help spot autumn migrants and the wintering water birds of Arundel Wetland Centre. Download this free guide to Arundel's most common ducks and birds. Get the Water Bird Spotter guide

10 September 2023

Juvenile kingfishers around

Juvenile kingfishers around

Kingfisher fledglings were still on Arun Riverlife lagoon last week practicing their fishing, showing well from the Discovery hide. Kingfisher sightings were also at the Scrape hide and on the Wetland Discovery boat channels.Wildflowers: water mint, purpl

3 September 2023

Cattle egrets & kingfishers

Cattle egrets & kingfishers

Cattle egrets were seen regularly from the Ramsar hide last week. Last year the egrets were photographed by our Reserve Intern Anna Cork as they interacted with the Dexter X cattle we had onsite, relieving them of some of their flies. Keep an eye for s

22 August 2023

Summer youngsters & bounty of butterflies

Summer youngsters & bounty of butterflies

We're well into August now but there are still young families about. Not all chicks are fully fledged. Its been a good summer for moorhens and we are still seeing their youngsters. especially in the reedbeds and the Wood Loop. Everybody's favourite robin

10 August 2023

Kingfishers are feeding young again

Kingfishers are feeding young again

On Monday a male kingfisher was spotted entering a hole in the nesting bank on the Arun Riverlife lagoon carrying a fish. This means the pair are feeding young and have at least one chick in this second brood. Visitor Alec Pelling photographed the male

2 August 2023

Shrews, bank voles & tits on dormouse survey

Shrews, bank voles & tits on dormouse survey

We didn't find any dormice in our recent dormouse survey on July 19 but there were many surprises waiting in the 60+ dormouse nesting boxes to open onsite. In June's survey, one box held a pretty blue tit nest which has now become a rowdy crew of blu

26 July 2023

Common tern & fledging sand martins

Common tern & fledging sand martins

After playing common tern calls from the Sand Martin Hide for the past ten weeks, there is finally some interest! We have not had common terns on site since 2014, but one has been turning up fairly regularly in the past few weeks, wondering where th

20 July 2023

Common tern, cattle egret & a lesser black-backed gull

Common tern, cattle egret & a lesser black-backed gull

We've had some interesting sightings between the Sand martin hide and Ramsar hide this week. A cattle egret in breeding plumage was grooming on the island opposite Sand martin hide Tuesday morning (photographed by WWT volunteer Andrew Burns). Our warde

13 July 2023

Fledgling cuckoo, Peregrines and Pochard

Fledgling cuckoo, Peregrines and Pochard

This week’s highlights include a fledgling cuckoo still being fed by an adult reed warbler, along the back of the boat safari channels. A family of (5) bullfinches was heard in the hedges by our gate near the Outlook In building and a (family?) group of

6 July 2023

Start of summer moult for some

Start of summer moult for some

Some ducks and geese are now going into moult. Mallard, gadwall and mandarin ducks along with greylag and Canada geese are all looking particularly tatty at the moment and the piles of feathers left behind are dotting our site! Pochard and tufted ducks ca

29 June 2023

Kingfisher fight &  oystercatcher chicks

Kingfisher fight & oystercatcher chicks

Two male kingfishers got into a scrap near the kingfisher nesting bank on Arun Riverlife on Sun 18 June. Regular visitor Alec Pelling took these amazing photos of the skirmish. Kingfisher males are territorial - both these birds look male as their beaks a

21 June 2023

Gadwall, pochard and tufty duckling

Gadwall, pochard and tufty duckling

A female gadwall was on the pond from the Willow Sphere with 7 ducklings, the first gadwall chicks we have seen onsite in a few years. A pair of mute swans have hatched 6 cygnets. This swan family have been spotted on the water from Ramsar hide and along

10 June 2023

Sand martins & great crested grebe

Sand martins & great crested grebe

At the Sand martin hide we are seeing about 20 sand martins at a go, hawking insects over the water and entering burrows on both ‘wings’ of the hide. A pair of oystercatchers seem to have settled there now, as in previous years - we haven't spotted a

16 May 2023