
Marsh Harrier over Folly Pond

Marsh Harrier over Folly Pond

Having mentioned yesterday about the Teal numbers starting to creep up on Folly Pond, well the Marsh Harrier discovered the same thing this morning. Cracking views of the juvenile bird flying over and flushing all the birds as observed from Sharp's Looko

29 August 2020

Natterjacks Emerging

Natterjacks Emerging

After the tidal surges and flooding of the Merses last week, it is very heartening to see that some of our Natterjack tadpoles have made it to the emergence stage. This week has seen little toadlets appearing on the path to the Saltcot Merse Observatory

28 August 2020

Wet, wet, wet

Wet, wet, wet

Well recent weather has been decidedly on the wet side. It has meant that the Pasture Pathway has become flooded and as such has been closed. It is however, good for the waders and ducks. Teal numbers are increasing around the reserve with over 400 bir

27 August 2020

Info for Wednesday 26th August

Info for Wednesday 26th August

If you are visiting on Wednesday 26th August, please be aware that the Visitor Centre will be closed between 1pm - 2pm. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.The reserve will be open as normal, you will still be able to enter and exit the

25 August 2020

Tidal flooding

Tidal flooding

Yesterday brought big tides coupled with unseasonally strong winds which meant the afternoon tide flooded the majority of the saltmarsh. This is becoming more regular in winter but for late summer it is quite unusual.Sadly this may have been a disaster fo

22 August 2020

Snipe, snipe, snipe

Snipe, snipe, snipe

Snipe numbers are really building on the Folly Pond at the moment, with over 20 of them this morning. Lapwing, Curlew and Black-tailed Godwit are also regularly feeding on the muddy fringes.Teal numbers continue to grow, and we have seen Marsh Harrier, Gr

19 August 2020

Minibeast Magic

Minibeast Magic

The good weather recently has seen a surge in the number of "creepy crawlies" making an appearance around the reserve. The above photo shows the caterpillar of the Elephant hawkmoth and is just one of the many moth caterpillars we come across. We have a

15 August 2020

Greenshank Making an Appearance

Greenshank Making an Appearance

While the weather the past few days has screamed summer, our bird life is definitely more on the Autumnal side! Three Greenshank have been spotted feeding along the edges of the Folly Pond this morning. They are joined there by 81 Curlew, 4 Snipe, Teal,

14 August 2020

Make a splash at Caerlaverock, with an outdoors summer for all!

Make a splash at Caerlaverock, with an outdoors summer for all!

Explore the shimmering wetlands and make this summer a ‘staycation’ to remember, filled with memories of outdoor fun.

6 August 2020

Marsh Harrier on the Move

Marsh Harrier on the Move

After saying about returning raptors yesterday we have seen our first Marsh harrier of the autumn hunting out on the Merse this morning. It was being mobbed by a cloud of Skylarks and Meadow pipit which really highlighted just how many of these two speci

6 August 2020

Raptors Returning

Raptors Returning

As we move into late summer, we are now starting to observe more raptors around the reserve. Kestrels can regularly be seen down at Saltcot Merse Observatory and visitors are also reporting the presence of a Peregrine out on the far merses. Be sure to s

5 August 2020

Wet meadows

Wet meadows

The heavy downpours have left the grasslands rather soggy, so best to wear boots or wellies for a little while just until the puddles can drain away. The wet grassland isn't a bad thing for wildlife as it brings new feeding opportunities for many species.

29 July 2020

Linnet and Lesser Redpoll

Linnet and Lesser Redpoll

Flocks of Linnet are building up on the Merses with a large grouping of over 50 birds observed one time. They also like to perch up around the Saltcot Merse Observatory and can often be found on the Willow tree in the sheep paddock to the left of the Obs

25 July 2020

Lovely Lapwing

Lovely Lapwing

The heavy rainfall in the past couple of days has really raised the water levels on all the ponds. This has meant the muddy edges surrounding the island on the Folly Pond that the Little ringed plover were using has vanished and it would appear that so h

24 July 2020

Raining Plovers

Raining Plovers

The foul weather yesterday and this morning has some benefits...9 juvenile Little Ringed Plover took shelter on the Folly Pond yesterday afternoon and at least 4 have stayed to this morning. Only views are from Sharp's Lookout (we are working to get

23 July 2020