
Sightings Thursday 9th February

Sightings Thursday 9th February

All hides and footpaths are open apart from Allport hide.  There is some standing water on the path to Reedbed hide, resulting in no scooter travel along this one path and wellies needed or you can skirt around it with sturdy shoes.   Sightings so f

9 February 2017

Reserve access

Reserve access

All hides and footpaths are open.  There is some standing water on the path to Reedbed hide, resulting in no scooter travel along this one path and wellies needed or you can skirt around it with sturdy shoes.

9 February 2017

Wildlife sightings - 09/02/17

Wildlife sightings - 09/02/17

a.m Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Grey heron 15 Shelduck 16 Shoveler 18 Teal 33 Wigeon 1 Lapwing 44 Redshank 3 Curlew 4 Oystercatcher 2 Saline Lagoon Mute swan 2 Black-headed gull 55 Hawthorn Wood Bullfinch 14 Goldfinch 6 Siskin 6 Treecreeper 1 Long-tailed t

9 February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 9th February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 9th February 2017

223 Shoveler - site count 56 Wigeon - scrape, marsh 2 Shelduck - main lake 2 Bittern - main lake N shore 5 Pintail - main lake 34 Redwing - over SW high 1 Water Pipit - main lake, scrape January/early February bird highlights: Bittern, Firecrest, Bre

9 February 2017

Reserve Update Thursday 9th February

Reserve Update Thursday 9th February

Wader numbers are looking good on the Folly Pond with 54 redshank, 19 black-tailed godwit, 25 lapwing and 7 oystercatchers there fist thing.  The yellowhammers and reed buntings continue to appear in the hawthorn trees on the way down to the Peter Scott

9 February 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Martin Smith Hide The Tack Piece was busy this morning with the whole flock of 164 White-fronted Geese present along with a few Greylags and Canadas.  Around 80 Wigeon were grazing around the scrape, surrounded by a mix of over 500 Lapwing, 41 Curlew, 16

8 February 2017



Goldeneye continue to be seen most days on the Mere with a group of 5 today (2 male & 3 female). At least 3000 Pink-footed Geese were present on and off all day albeit distantly on the edge of the reserve. The 3 Little Egrets are still to be seena rou

8 February 2017

Wildlife sightings 08/02/2017

Wildlife sightings 08/02/2017

a.m. low tide Wader Lake Grey heron 15 Northern lapwing 11 Eurasian shelduck 16 Tufted duck 3 Shoveler  14 Black headed gull 13 Saline lagoon Kingfisher (male) Wigeon 2 Curlew Hawthorn Wood Great spotted woodpecker Reed bunting (female) Coal tit 7 Robin

8 February 2017

Sightings Wednesday 8th February

Sightings Wednesday 8th February

Water levels remain low but water on path towards Reedbed hide, so wellies or walking boots advised to walk around the puddle. All hides remain open apart from Allport hide. Sightings so far today Bewick's swan Whooper swan Mute swan Black swan Barnacle g

8 February 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 8th February - Otter back again!

Reserve Update Wednesday 8th February - Otter back again!

The otter was back fishing on the Teal Pond first thing this morning....with displaying Teal at the back of the pond seemingly unaware of it!  Once again good numbers of lapwing and golden plover visible from the Avenue Tower, alas still no American Wige

8 February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 8th February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 8th February 2017

2 Redpoll - entrance lake area p.m. 3 Shelduck - main lake, wader scrape 2 Peregrine - hunting over main lake and perched on hospital 4 Bittern - main lake, reservoir lagoon 6 Snipe - grazing marsh 5 Pintail - main lake 1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 1

8 February 2017

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Great Crested Grebe Cr. Russ Myners Millennium Wetlands 1 x Nuthatch 1 x Goshawk 2 x Sparrowhawk 28 x Gadwalll 2 x Mistle Thrush 1 x Great Crested Grebe 13 x Teal 7 x Grey Heron 28 x Tufted Duck 2 x Tufted Duck

7 February 2017

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Hen harrier Snipe Tree sparrow Great white egret Teal Great crested grebe Golden eye Marsh harrier Bewicks swan Whooper swan Wigeon Goldfinch

7 February 2017

Wildlife sightings - 07/02/2017

Wildlife sightings - 07/02/2017

a.m. Tide Level: low Wader Lake Grey heron (11 nests) 17 Shoveller 16 Teal 36 Shelduck 22 Lapwing 10 Redshank 7 Curlew 2 Oystercatcher 2 Black headed gull 70 Saline Lagoon Curlew 10 Kestrel 2 Shelduck 6 Hawthorn Wood Great spotted woodpecker 1 Siskin 6 Go

7 February 2017

Tack Piece getting busier

Tack Piece getting busier

A lovely sunny day here after the cold frozen start and overcast day yesterday. The Tack Piece has benefitted from the intermittent heavy rain showers since last week, puddles have been attracting the wader flocks when they are not frozen, when it has fro

7 February 2017