
Tuesday Feb 7th

Tuesday Feb 7th

21mm of rain overnight, so the reserve is looking wetter than usual today. Green-winged Teal showing on Folly Pond early, but alas still no sign of American Wigeon. Plenty of bird song kicking up recently and Mute Swans are becoming territorial down on Th

7 February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 7th February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 7th February 2017

1 Jack Snipe - marsh 2 Shelduck - main lake 1 Bittern - main lake North shore 6 Pintail - main lake 1 Blackcap (female) - sheltered lagoon 2 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 4 Redwing - entrance area January bird highlights: Bittern, Firecrest, Brent Goose,

7 February 2017

Make a Splash this Half Term at WWT Llanelli’s Welsh Puddle Jumping Championships with Dusty Duck

Make a Splash this Half Term at WWT Llanelli’s Welsh Puddle Jumping Championships with Dusty Duck

This February half term, children of all ages are being encouraged to grab their wellies, get outside and join in the Welsh puddle jumping championships being held at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre. The competition which will run daily at 2pm from 18 – 26

6 February 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

All hides and footpaths are open except for Reedbed Hide due to a flooded footpath. Common Crane - 2 on Lady Fen Bewick's Swan - Friends Hide Pintail Gadwall Goldeneye Teal Wigeon Lapwing Dunlin Ruff Black-tailed Godwit Redshank Curlew Golden Plover Stone

6 February 2017

Wildlife sightings - 06/02/17

Wildlife sightings - 06/02/17

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Grey heron 16 Redshank 18 Northern Lapwing 44 Shoveler 13 Eurasian teal 26 Eurasian wigeon Shelduck 6 Saline Lagoon Shelduck 2 Hawthorn Wood Sparrowhawk 1 Great spotted woodpecker 1 Reed bunting 1 Chaffinch 21 Bullfinch 26

6 February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 6th February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 6th February 2017

1 Bittern - main lake from Headley hide 1 Yellow-legged Gull - reservoir lagoon (2nd winter) 2 Shelduck - main lake 9 Pintail - grazing marsh, reservoir lagoon, main lake 6 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake 1 Water Pipit - wader scrape   January

6 February 2017

Goshawk show again

Goshawk show again

Zeiss Hide/Van de Bovenkamp Hide The male Goshawk appeared again today, it caught, plucked and ate a Teal on the west bund of the Top New Piece flood before flying off toward the Kingfisher Hide. Good views were had from Zeiss and Van de Bovenkamp hides,

5 February 2017



Three European White-fronted Geese were in the fields behind the Mere with Pink-footed Geese today. A flock of 3 Golden Plover were seen in flight after all the Lapwing flocks were spooked by a Peregrine just after mid-day. Oystercatchers continue the spr

5 February 2017

Recent sightings - 5th February

Recent sightings - 5th February

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, at low tide. Estuary Black-tailed godwit 100, Oystercatcher 150, Curlew 30,  Redshank 40, Shelduck 150, Redshank 40, Brent geese 70, Wigeon 7, Shoveler 8, Teal 3, Greater black-ba

5 February 2017

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Wigeon Lapwing Whooper swan Bewick's swan Greylag Buzzard White-fronted geese Little egret Goldeneye Pintail Marsh harrier Tufted duck Canada goose Pochard Shoveler Snipe Teal Black-tailed godwit Great crested grebe Redshank Water rail Kingfisher Stonecha

5 February 2017

Wildlife Sightings - 05/02/17

Wildlife Sightings - 05/02/17

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Grey heron - 14 Northern Shoveler - 12 Oystercatcher - 2 Great Black-backed Gull - 1 Gadwall - 2 Lapwing - 67 Redshank - 31 Mute Swan - 6 Eurasian Shelduck - 19 Stock Dove - 1 Eurasian Teal - 42   Saline Lagoon Gre

5 February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 5th February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 5th February 2017

4 Bittern - main lake 2 Caspian Gull - grazing marsh 2 Shelduck - main lake 7 Pintail - main lake 5 Snipe - grazing marsh 1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge   January bird highlights: Bittern, Firecrest, Brent

5 February 2017

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Buzzard White-fronted Geese - Lady Fen Little Egret Golden Plover Whooper Swan Wigeon Goldeneye Marsh Harrier Egyptian Goose Canada Goose Pochard Shoveler Tufted Duck Snipe Teal Lapwing Black-tailed Godwit Great crested grebe Redshank Water rail Stonechat

4 February 2017

Stunning Birds and Light

Stunning Birds and Light

A little rain this week has caused some flooding and the Tack Piece is finally pulling in some birds. If you want to see the site at its winter best come and see us in the next two weeks. Zeiss and South Finger Hides Whitefronted Goose 87 Briefly before

4 February 2017

Latest Sightings - 4th February

Latest Sightings - 4th February

No sign of the American Wigeon for the past couple of days. There are fewer Wigeon on site, so it could be feeding away from the reserve somewhere. It may still reappear though. Todays high tide is at 17:33, 8.5m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese:

4 February 2017