
Wildlife Sightings - 14/9/16

Wildlife Sightings - 14/9/16

Wader Lake     Time/AM     Tide/Low Curlew Sandpiper - 1 Black-tailed Godwit - 10 Common Snipe - 7 Redshank - 14 Teal - 23 Gadwall - 6 Shoveler - 2   Other Birds Blackcap (North Wood) - 1 Long-tailed Tit (Spring Gill) - 12 Treecreeper (Spring

14 September 2016

Recent sightings - 14th September

Recent sightings - 14th September

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, near high tide. Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Mallard +150, Tufted duck 5, Coot 3, Common teal 30, Black-headed gull 16. Wadermarsh - visible from

14 September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 14th September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 14th September 2016

3 Yellow Wagtail - Flew S 2 Snipe - Grazing Marsh 1 Hobby - south route (hunting dragonflies) 1 Peregrine 13 Wigeon - Main Lake 1 Kingfisher - Sheltered Lagoon 10+ Chiffchaff - Sheltered Lagoon, Wildside, South Route 10+ Blackcap -  Sheltered Lagoon, Wil

14 September 2016

More than one in 10 UK species threatened with extinction, new study finds

More than one in 10 UK species threatened with extinction, new study finds

It’s not too late to save UK nature but we must act now - that is the conclusion from WWT and a coalition of more than 50 leading wildlife and research organisations behind the State of Nature 2016 report. Following on from the ground breaking State of

14 September 2016

Great White

Great White

Calm and warm with a light south easterly, rain later in the day. Two days in a row and another new species for the year list in the shape of the formerly rare Great White Egret. We didn't record one in 2015 and although birds are hanging around on the Ri

13 September 2016

Heat & sun brings out the dragonflies

Heat & sun brings out the dragonflies

Mostly migrant hawkers out today but there are a few southern hawkers around, too. Paul Stevens photographed this southern hawker last weekend at Arundel. Gorgeous sunny day - lots of migrant hawker dragonflies about

13 September 2016

Quick update, Tuesday September 13th

Quick update, Tuesday September 13th

Reserve looks largely as yesterday; most activity is focussed on The Folly Pond again, where 178 Black-tailed Godwits and a Greenshank number among the 2200 Teal. The Great Egret is still present, having moved as usual from Folly Pond out to Saltcot Merse

13 September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 13th September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 13th September 2016

3 Common Sandpiper - main lake 3 Snipe - grazing marsh 34 Lapwing - main lake 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 1 Grey Wagtail - Otter exhibit 7 Chiffchaff - entrance area, South route, wildside 1 Hobby - sheltered lagoon September bird highlights: Whinch

13 September 2016

Wildlife Sightings - 13/09/2016

Wildlife Sightings - 13/09/2016

a.m. Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Common Snipe 8 Black tailed godwit 10 Eurasian teal 20 Lapwing 25 Grey heron 4 Pied wagtail 2 Lesser black backed gull 1 Black headed gull 15 Redshank 3 Saline Lagoon Redshank 4 Hawthorn Wood Chaffinch 2 Blue tit 1 Great ti

13 September 2016

A thousand Teal

A thousand Teal

An influx of Teal today with 1275 counted from the hides, Chiffchaff are also much in evidence with 35+ seen or heard on the rounds, how many are actually present today is anyone's guess. Rushy Pen Hide A busy spot with 7+ Snipe, 7+ Ruff (this flock come

13 September 2016

Annual bird health check 13-15 September

Annual bird health check 13-15 September

Annual bird health check 13-15 September - Every year we catch up all of our birds to give them their annual booster (much as you would your pet). We also take this opportunity to give the birds a full health check. We check that they have a good body we

13 September 2016

Main observatory management works planned

Main observatory management works planned

On Wednesday 14th September there will be disturbance in front of the main observatory  due to management works to the pools and the wildlife cameras.  This shouldn’t disturb the wildlife at any of our other hides.  We apologise for any inconveni

12 September 2016

Bar-tailed Godwit new for the year

Bar-tailed Godwit new for the year

A Bar-tailed Godwit found yesterday was still present today and is the first record of thiss coastal wader on the reserve this year. More wader action with the arrival of 3 Little Stint best viewed from the Ron Barker Hide. Other waders included 11 Dunlin

12 September 2016

Green woodpecker in reedswamp exhibit

Green woodpecker in reedswamp exhibit

Green woodpeckers feed on the ground, dining on ants and other insects. Other sightings this morning Lapwing hide: Snipe, tufted duck, teal, Cetti's warbler, Canada geese, pheasant Ramsar & SandMartin hides: mute

12 September 2016

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

The 3 Cranes flew west of the Main Observatory again this morning at @ 11am Lots of Yellow wagtails  around the cattle and around the hides Ruff-64 Dunlin-3 Golden plover-on Lady fen Lapwing Snipe Ringed plover-2 juv Shoveler Teal Wigeon Hobby-2 ad 1 j

12 September 2016