
Quick update, Monday March 6th

Quick update, Monday March 6th

Bright sunny and mild today - what's going on?! Whooper Swan numbers today reflect the spring feel, with just 93 at the 11:00 feed. Over 100 feeding just off the reserve though, split between three different sites. Duck nos. appear to have dropped off a

6 March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 6th March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 6th March 2017

1 Bearded Tit - reedbed (seen near the main lake edge close to the marsh, and then nearer Headley Hide) 1 Bullfinch - sheltered lagoon 1 Bittern - reservoir lagoon 1 Skylark - over NW 2 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 1 Water Pipit - marsh 2 Stonechat - m

6 March 2017

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

View from Lyle hide Kingfisher - 1 (Visitor centre ponds) Avocet - 2 (Lyle hide) Snipe Oystercatcher Redshank Golden plover Lapwing Wigeon Teal Shoveler Tufted duck Gadwall Pochard Cetti's warblers - singing along foo

6 March 2017



No sign of the Goosander since the original sighting but excellent numbers of waders with a good count of 60-70 Snipe, 65 Ruff, 60+ Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew and 2 Ringed Plover, not forgetting the 58 Avocet too. The male Brambling is stil present from

5 March 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Holden Tower Male Goshawk through at 1.15pm and then hunting the bottom New Piece. 6 Pied Wagtail, 2 Reed Bunting, 6 Skylark and 30 Meadow Pipit feeding around the pool. 25 Great Black-backed Gull over high tide + 80 Shelduck. 40 Dunlin and a Little Stint

5 March 2017

Wildlife Sightings - 05/03/17

Wildlife Sightings - 05/03/17

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Avocet - 11 Northern Shoveler - 7 Wigeon - 7 Redshank - 34 Grey Heron - 42 Common Snipe - 4 Oystercatcher - 3 Gadwall - 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull - 1 Northern Lapwing - 66 Shelduck - 19 Saline Lagoon Stock Dove - 2 Lesser

5 March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 5th March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 5th March 2017

1 Bittern - main lake N shore 1 Jack Snipe - main lake 2 Snipe - grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 2 Stonechat - grazing marsh   February bird highlights: Bittern, Firecrest, Brent Goose, Shelduck, Jack S

5 March 2017

Today's Sightings - Saturday 4th March

Today's Sightings - Saturday 4th March

Great white egret - Lady Fen Common crane - 1 flying high over Lady Fen Lapwing Golden plover - 10,000 Lady Fen Black-tailed godwit Oystercatcher Avocet - 2 Curlew Redshank Snipe Grey heron Whooper swan Bewick's swan Mute swan Wigeon Shelduck Pochard Mall

4 March 2017

Discover Birds Weekend is Mar 25-26

Discover Birds Weekend is Mar 25-26

Kingfisher on a bulrush by Paul Stevens - join Paul's 'Bird Photography Walk' on Sunday afternoon.   The new Spring version of our popular Discover Birds Weekend runs March 25-26 at Arundel Wetland Centre.  This

4 March 2017

Saturday Sightings

Saturday Sightings

  Water rail photographed on Fri 3 March by visit Linda Hammant. Species sightings from the WWT wardens morning walk: Reserve & Grounds: 4 buzzard, reed bunting, water rail, pochard, long-tailed tit, tufted duck,

4 March 2017

Lost Cygnet !

Lost Cygnet !

Rushy Only the lone Bewick`s Swan Cygnet on the pond this morning, Still a good number of Duck including 60 Pintail, 80 Tufted Duck and 36 Pochard. South lake High water levels after yesterdays rain, a dense flock of 203 Black Tailed Godwit were roosting

4 March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 4th March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 4th March 2017

2 Shelduck - reservoir lagoon 5 Pintail - main lake 1 Redshank - grazing marsh 1 Stonechat - grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge February bird highlights: Bittern, Firecrest, Brent Goose, Shelduck, Jack Snipe, Redshank, Mediterranean

4 March 2017

Bird News

Bird News

A male Goosander on the Mere today was real turn up for the books. Although this species is quite common in the right habitat within it's range, Martin Mere is not the right habitat ! Goosanders generally prefer much deeper water, and the species is recor

3 March 2017

Wildlife Highlights

Wildlife Highlights

Spotted Redshank, Dunlin and Lapwing Cr. MJ McGill Millennium Wetlands Little Grebe 2 Cormorant 7 Little Egret 1 Mute Swan 3 Shelduck 5 Gadwall 7 Teal 13 Mallard 9 Pintail 6 Shoveler 4 Pochard 4 Tufted Duck 9 Moorhen

3 March 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

We are due some rain today but fortunately the ducks don't mind that. Still plenty to see with Spring in the air. Little egret Curlew Snipe Moorhen Coot-territorial in-fighting Lapwing Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Wigeon Teal Goldeneye Shelduck Shove

3 March 2017