
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

The following species were noted today... Mute Swan Bewick's Swan- 122 at the roost E. White-fronted Geese- remained in the Stall House field all day. Greylag Goose Canada Goose Barnacle Goose Shelduck Eurasian Wigeon- 1100 including a leucistic bird on t

1 January 2017

Sunday Jan 1st

Sunday Jan 1st

We'd like to wish all our readers a Happy New Year and apologise for the lateness of the post. Today we held the bird race, and the highest visitor was 53 species for the day. This faile narrowly to beat the warden's total of 60, though he (that's me!) m

1 January 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Happy New Year!  Great news...... the rain cleared the fog and mist away today, giving expansive views over the reserve of  thousands of swans. Kingfisher White-fronted geese-57 Barnacle goose Black-tailed godwit Dunlin Wigeon Pochard Pintail Tufted

1 January 2017

Wildlife Sightings - 01/01/2017

Wildlife Sightings - 01/01/2017

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Black-headed Gull - 44 Lapwing - 27 Shelduck - 17 Mallard - 12 Saline Lagoon Eurasian Curlew - 41 Coot - 3 Moorhen - 1 Hawthorn Wood Long Tailed Tit - 17 Chaffinch - 12 Blue Tit - 12 Bullfinch - 11 Greenfinch - 2 Goldfinch

1 January 2017

Bird News

Bird News

The male Red-crested Pochard (probably a 1st winter male) is still present from yesterday and showing well on and off all day from Harrier Hide. Late afternoon the Blue phase Snow Goose from Marshside appeared and was still present at dusk on the Mere wit

31 December 2016

Reserve Update Saturday 31st December - Drake Mandarin Duck??

Reserve Update Saturday 31st December - Drake Mandarin Duck??

It was a double take moment at the 11am Swan feed this morning, with the presence of a lovely drake Mandarin Duck joining the regulars on the Whooper Pond.  The American Wigeon has migrated back to the Folly Pond to join the Green-winged Teal.  Those vi

31 December 2016

High hopes for Bitterns again

High hopes for Bitterns again

Bittern Two birds have shown on and of all week from any of the South Finger and Zeiss hides definitely worth spending some time around the area. One seen from Kingfisher hide at 11.00. Followed by many sightings of two birds through the day. Holden Towe

31 December 2016

Sightings Saturday 31st December

Sightings Saturday 31st December

No fog at Welney this morning with plenty of birds to see from main centre and all hides. Good day to be out for the final day of 2016 and burn off that Christmas Pud!. Sightings today: Bewick's swan (Friends hide) Whooper swan (good number on Lady fen) E

31 December 2016

Wildlife Sightings - 31/12/16

Wildlife Sightings - 31/12/16

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Shelduck - 10 Lapwing - 1 Grey Heron - 1 Jackdaw - 4 Black-headed Gull - 60 Saline Lagoon Curlew - 52 Redshank - 6 Teal - 30 Shelduck - 4 Hawthorn Wood Great Spotted Woodpecker - 2 Treecreeper - 1 Nuthatch  - 1 Willow Tit

31 December 2016

Wildlife sightings for 31st December 2016

Wildlife sightings for 31st December 2016

1 Bearded Tit - reedbed (feeding on seed heads just S of the bench en route to the Wildside Hide) 1 Jack Snipe - marsh 2 Bittern - main lake NW shore (from Headley Hide) 11 Redwing - sheltered lagoon 4 Siskin - wildside 7 Water Rail - reedbed, sheltered

31 December 2016

Bird News

Bird News

Red-crested Pochard was the most unusual bird of the day - a male flew with three other ducks, (probably female Red-crested Pochards) out of sight behind the reeds in front of the Harrier hide, and appeared again (alone) on the Mere later in the afternoon

30 December 2016

Reserve Update Friday 30th December - American Wigeon is back (again)

Reserve Update Friday 30th December - American Wigeon is back (again)

Yes, the American Wigeon has once again re-appeared...mixed in with the Eurasian Wigeon flock feeding on the Lochar field as seen from Avenue Tower.  They are joined by some of the Barnacle Geese, large numbers of Teal, Pintail, Golden Plover, Lapwing, S

30 December 2016

Bittern bonanza

Bittern bonanza

Its been a great few days for Bittern sightings on the South Finger, with birds seen from Zeiss Hide, Kingfisher Hide and the Van de Bovenkamp Hide.  At least two birds have been seen this morning so if you're visiting now the fog has cleared be sure to

30 December 2016

Wildlife sightings for 30th December 2016

Wildlife sightings for 30th December 2016

1 Jack Snipe - marsh 9 Snipe - main lake, marsh 2 Bittern - main lake NW+S shores (from Headley and Dulverton Hides) 14 Redwing - over E+NW 20 Fieldfare - wildside, sheltered lagoon 7 Reed Bunting - resr lagoon, reedbed, main lake (including a few at the

30 December 2016

Sightings Thursday 29th December

Sightings Thursday 29th December

A very sharp frost this morning and the fenland landscape at it's best with Whooper swans feeding on Lady fen in large numbers. Sightings today: Bewick's swan (Lyle hide) Whooper swan Mute swan White-fronted geese (19 on Lady fen) Pintail Pochard Shelduck

29 December 2016