
Wildlife sightings for 24th November 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th November 2016

1 Water Pipit - marsh 37 Greylag Geese - flew very high NW 4 Pintail - main lake (3 males, 1 female) 1 Bittern - main lake N shore near Headley Hide 5 Snipe - marsh 34 Redwing - flew NW 1 Chiffchaff - wildside November bird highlights: Bittern, Water

24 November 2016

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Sun and ice!

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Sun and ice!

Sunny again this morning, but the roads are icy and we have reports of a few accidents already so take care if you are heading our way. The frost and ice looks fantastic in the sun but it's causing a few difficulties for the birds as they skate around th

24 November 2016

Wildlife sightings - 24/11/16

Wildlife sightings - 24/11/16

a.m. Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Shelduck 5 Teal 22 Kestrel 1 Saline Lagoon Black-headed gull 18 Hawthorn Wood Great spotted woodpecker 1 Nuthatch 1 Bullfinch 10 Greenfinch 4 Willow tit 1 Other birds Jack snipe - 1 - Opposite otter pen on footpath Domestic

24 November 2016

Summer review

Summer review

Cattle leaving On Friday we said goodbye to the last herd of cattle as they returned to their farm.  To give you an idea of the summer management carried out on the reserve by staff, volunteers, contractors and lives

24 November 2016

Winter education

Winter education

It is not only the Whooper swans and thousands of adults that like to visit WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre at this time of year, it is also a great time for schools to study seasonal changes and learn about migration. Burscough St John's CE Primary School

23 November 2016

Eyes to the skies

Eyes to the skies

We're seeing a steady passage of Redwing and Fieldfare this morning with several hundred of each over head as flocks move through.  There are also a few Chaffinch on the move, and even a few Meadow Pipit so listen out for birds flying overhead. South la

23 November 2016

Wildlife sightings for 23rd November 2016

Wildlife sightings for 23rd November 2016

4 Pintail - main lake, scrape 90+ Shoveler - mostly on the marsh 1 Yellow-legged Gull adult - main lake 1 Bittern - main lake N shore near Headley Hide 8 Snipe - marsh, scrape 7 Water Rail - sheltered lagoon, resr lagoon, reedbed 1 Peregrine - huntin

23 November 2016

Wildlife sightings - 23/11/16

Wildlife sightings - 23/11/16

a.m. Tide Level: Mid/high Wader Lake Grey heron 1 Shelduck 4 Eurasian teal 25 Redshank 5 Tufted duck 1 Saline Lagoon Eurasian teal 4 Hawthorn Wood Goldfinch Robin Dunnock Coal tit Greenfinch Blue tit Bullfinch Great tit Other birds Kestrel - 1 - Top Meado

23 November 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 23rd November

Reserve Update Wednesday 23rd November

  A fantastic sunny and frosty morning on the reserve with the ducks  skating on the ice. Over 100 Whooper Swans on the Whooper Pond first thing this morning. Two drake Green-winged Teal are currently on the Folly Pond, and were present on the res

23 November 2016

Scaup and other sightings

Scaup and other sightings

Scaup - female Scaup - 1 female duck in amongst the pochard and mallard in front of the main hide.  She was quite mobile, being harrassed by the other ducks, hopefully she will stick around though. Wigeon - large flo

23 November 2016

Ready for the next influx of birds

Ready for the next influx of birds

Duck flock by Georgette Taylor The reserve is looking fantastic as we head further into winter....a visitor on Monday said that they had never seen so many wigeon, and we haven't even reached peak numbers yet! We are

23 November 2016

Daisy Clarke's migration is pieced together

Daisy Clarke's migration is pieced together

Daisy Clarke by Ray Mathias. We were so pleased to see Daisy Clarke arrive back at WWT Welney two weeks ago after her gruelling migration from arctic Russia.  It has been wonderful to follow her migration thanks to

22 November 2016

Water levels rising

Water levels rising

Not surprisingly the water levels have risen after the day of heavy rain. Rushy Pen At least 29 Bewick's Swans were at the 8am feed along with the ever increasing duck flocks and Greylag Geese. Holden Tower Chiffchaff and Fieldfare in the bushes, Mistle a

22 November 2016

Sightings Tuesday November 22nd

Sightings Tuesday November 22nd

All hides are open apart from Allport, the Summer path is open up to half way. Sightings for today so far: Barn Owl Buzzard Kestrel Marsh harrier Peregrine Whooper swanMute swan Gadwall Mallard Pintail Pochard Shoveler Teal Wigeon Black-tailed godwit Curl

22 November 2016

Wildlife sightings for 22nd of November 2016

Wildlife sightings for 22nd of November 2016

1 Bittern - main lake 7 Pintail - main lake, grazing marsh, wader scrape 1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 6 Fieldfare - entrance banks 4 Snipe - grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - perched on the hospital   Additional sighting from yesterday: 2 Bittern - m

22 November 2016